ralf | April 29, 2024 | Newsletter

- The April issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2024 is available, providing a new city style by Pär Lindström for drawing 18th to 19th century city maps.
- Bundle of Holding is running a Profantasy MEGA offer with tons of our software at an amazing price.
- Christina is back with the All the Annuals series and tries out the Realms of Legend style by TJ Vandel.
- Remy discusses naming sheets and how that helps with organization of drawing tools and placing symbols.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on April 2024: Nordic Cities, Naming Sheets and a Bundle of Holding
ralf | March 28, 2024 | Newsletter
- The March issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2023 is available, providing a new dungeon-style for sewer maps.
- ProFantasy is looking for a Freelance RPG Crowdfunding Marketing Manager. See the details of the position here.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on March 2024: Sewers, Spiders and a Job Offer
ralf | February 28, 2024 | Newsletter
- The February issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2023 is available, providing a new parchment-look overland style.
- Remy teaches us how to create a variety of shortcut keys within Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus.
- Christina showcases the October issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2016 with the “Horror House” style by Pär Lindström in her latest iteration of the All the Annuals series.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on February 2024: Glaciers, Haunted Houses and Shortcuts
ralf | December 21, 2023 | Newsletter

- Both the December issue and bonus issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2023 are available, bringing you a large selection of modular Wilderness tiles as well as the tools to create more yourself.
- With this year’s Annual complete, the Cartographer’s Annual 2024 is now available and you can subscribe at an early adopter discount.
- The latest free monthly symbols by Mike Schley add fire and smoke symbols to the Symbol Set 6 style (or other styles of your choise), turning those ruined battlements into a raging inferno.
- Watch or re-watch the recent live mapping videos from our playlist on YouTube.
- Check out the community’s Maps of the Month for November, possibly providing more ideas and inspiration for your own mapping projects.
- We made the November issue of the Cartographer’s Annual available for free and integrated it into the Free Annual Sampler.
- Remy delves into the practical use of maps within CC3+, such measuring the distance between locations.
- Christina showcases the August issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2016 with the “Scorching Sun” style in her latest iteration of the All the Annuals series.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on December 2023: Wilderness, a New Annual Year and Burning Ruins
ralf | November 17, 2023 | Newsletter

- We are currently running the Cartographer’s Vault campaign on Humble Bundle with lots of wonderful maps by community mappers and professional map-makers.
- A new Random Dungeon command is available for Campaign Cartographer.
- The November issue of the Cartographer’s Annual is available, featuring a huge city under siege in the Isometric Cities style from Symbol Set 6.
- Remy continues his tutorial on getting started with macros with part 3 of the series.
- Christina showcases the July issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2016 with the “Woodcut Maps” style in her latest iteration of the All the Annuals series.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on November 2023: Random Dungeons, Cities under Siege and a Humble Bundle
ralf | October 27, 2023 | Newsletter

- The October issue of the Cartographer’s Annual is available, expanding The Monkey Frog overland style with a large set of structure symbols and new terrain fills.
- The latest free monthly symbols by Mike Schley show the effects last month’s siege engines and on the city walls – breaches and broken gates and tower.
- Watch or re-watch the recent live mapping videos from our playlist on YouTube.
- Check out the community’s Maps of the Month for September, possibly providing more ideas and inspiration for your own mapping projects.
- Remy continues his tutorial on getting started with macros with part 2 of the series.
- Christina continues here trip thought the Cartographer’s Annual 2016 with June’s “Dungeon Worlds” style in her latest iteration of the All the Annuals series.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on October 2023: Broken Walls, Monkey Frogs and Dungeon Worlds
ralf | September 28, 2023 | Newsletter

- The September issue of the Cartographer’s Annual is available, expanding E Prybylski’s overland style with non-human settlements and additional material.
- The latest free monthly symbols by Mike Schley provide you with siege engines to break those impressive city walls of the Symbol Set 6 Isometric Cities style.
- Watch or re-watch the recent live mapping videos from our playlist on YouTube.
- Check out the community’s Maps of the Month for August, possibly providing more ideas and inspiration for your own mapping projects.
- Remy helps us to get started with macros to leverage the power of automation in CC3+.
- Christina Trani showcases the “Naomi van Doren Floorplans” style in her latest iteration of the All the Annuals series.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on September 2023: Siege Engines, Non-human Towns and Macros
ralf | August 18, 2023 | Newsletter

- The August issue of the Cartographer’s Annual is available, providing an black and white floorplan style for ruined settlements and outdoor locations.
- Remy takes a loot at randomizing symbols and how that functionality can be leveraged for settlement placement.
- Christina Trani creates a map with the “1800s Floorplans” style in her quest to go through All the Annuals.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on August 2023: Inked Ruins, Theatres and Random Settlements
ralf | July 21, 2023 | Newsletter

- The July issue of the Cartographer’s Annual is available, with an overland style by a new Annual contributor – Monkey Frog Studios.
- Remy dives into part 2 of his tutorial on how to draw tracks and rail lines, letting us swerve around in curves on our tracks.
- Christina Trani continues with her “All the Annuals” series going through all the Annual issues over the years. This time it is the “Temple of Bones” isometric dungeon style she is looking at.
- CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
- Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
- Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.
Comments Off on July 2023: Monkey Frogs, Military Camps and more Railways
ralf | June 30, 2023 | Newsletter

- The June issue of the Cartographer’s Annual is available, with asymbol pack compatible with Dungeons of Schley, including trains, tracks, vehicles and lots of strange machinery.
- GenCon 2023 is drawing near and Profantasy will be there, at booth #515 of the exhibition all.
- Remy teaches us how to draw tracks and rail lines in his latest article. How convenient seeing the June Annual’s focus on trains!
- Christina Trani continues with her “All the Annuals” series going through all the Annual issues over the years. In this iteration she creates a map using the Empire of the Sun style.
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