Maps of the Month – July 2024

The summer is usually a bit quieter in terms of map-making, but our users have nevertheless created a bunch of beautiful maps last month. Let’s take a look at some of them that were shared on the ProFantasy forum or the Facebook group!

Ricko Hasche has utlitzed the latest free monthly symbols by Mike Schley to go a-viking with this amazing village map.
Ricko Hasche
Viking Village

Quenten continues his stream of highly-detailed, beautiful maps in the Mike Schley Overland style.
Quenten</a><br />
Hardin” width=”700″ height=”541″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-7909″ /></p>
<p>I picked out two maps by <strong>Matt Finch</strong> this month, with the first using the <a href=13th Age Revisited overland style.
Matt Finch
Ile De Naufrageur
The other is a wonderful example of the what the Jon Roberts dungeon style can do!
Matt FinchDungeon Temple

Kevin Goebel used the recent Watabaou City revamp to create this town map of Redway Hill among other settlements.
Kevin GoebelRedway Hill

Julian Dracos tried his hand at his first starship map with the Cosmographer 3 deckplan style.
Julian DracosStarship

Jim Abbout used the Dungeons of Schley style of Symbol Set 4 for this classic dungeon commission.

EdE‘s Earth Temple is just one of a set of floorplans and dungeons combining a variety of battle map assets, among other Sue Daniel’s Creepy Crypts.
EdEEarth Temple

Duane Wilkey shared another great settlement map with the castle of Bright Keep in the Cities of Schley style from Symbol Set 5.
Duane WhilkeyBright Keep

DM Geezer Jim shared this very useful generic treep top settlement, which can be used as a great elvish village or similar place.
DMGeezerJimTreetop Town

Brian Sofen combined with the Modern Journey vignettes with the Woodcut Maps style to creat this great rending of Madeline Island in Wisconsin.
Brian SofenMadeline Island

And we end up where with the started, with Royal Scribe‘s use of the Viking-style free symbols by Mike Schley.
Royal ScribeJoerdheim

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