Remy Monsen has been managing the amazing Community Atlas project for such a long time now, that the collection is getting close to 1000 maps! All free for you to use in your own game, if you want. To celebrate this milestone Remy has announced a mapping competition which ProFantasy will support with prizes! You can find all the rules and information on participating in the competition here: Community Atlas 1000th map Competition

To say it in Remy’s word: “Please don’t think you have to be a master mapper to compete. A competition is a great way of testing yourself and have some fun. Everyone is welcome here, and while some of the prizes are dedicated to the best maps, there is an option for anyone who competes to win.”

It’s time for another look at the wonderful maps shared by the ProFantasy users on the community forum or in our Facebook group.

Let’s start by this wonderful overland map by Calibre, utilizing several styles including Darklands Overland and Spectrum Overland.

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May has been a busy month for many of our community member, in terms of map-making at least. So many great maps to choose from, and I can’t really pick them all. Here are just the ones that stood out to me:

Kevin Goebel used the Marine Dungeon style for this excellent lighthouse and underwater ruin.

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Dear map-makers, it’s time to look back at another month of mapping goodness in the ProFantasy community. Here are some of the wonderful maps our community members shared in April. Enjoy!

Richard deRoiville created this amazingly detailed map of the city of Falkovnia in the Darklands City style.
Richard DeRoiville - Falkovnia Continue reading »

We are already late in April and its high-time to look back at the maps produced by the community in March. Here are some of the highlights I’ve picked out, enjoy!

Let’s start with this fantastic regional mal in the 13th Age Revisited style by Eric McNeal.
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Time for another look at the maps the community has produced last month i.e. in February. Everybody has been extremely busy, so we’ve got a long list!

Julian Dracos created a map of the Dragonlance world in the Worthington Historical style, and I love it. Now what was the name of that world again? Trying to remember and too lazy to Google it right now…
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And here we go with our first set of Maps of the Month for 2024 (January). Let’s see what beauties the community shared!

Lorelei (Christina Trani) created a whole set of maps for Tegel Manor and environs, another amazing recreation of that classic adventure location.
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Before we fully commit to the New Year (yes, yes, January is almost over, I know), let’s take a last look back at the wonderful mapping work of 2023, with the maps of the month of December.

Dak has mapped part of Krynn, the world of Dragonlance with the a recreation of this awesome map. This really takes me back, “Dragons of Hope” was one of the first D&D adventures I ever owned! Continue reading »

Welcome to our latest tour de force through some of the wonderful maps created by the ProFantasy user community. Let’s take a look at the bountiful crop of cartography from the the ProFantasy forum and the CC3+ Facebook group in October.

Talaraska created this splendid map of a Harvest festival including an amazon hedge maze. I want to get lost there!

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Welcome to our latest browse through some of the wonderful maps created by the Profantasy user community. Let’s take a look at what our mappers came up with on the ProFantasy forum and the CC3+ Facebook group in September.

I always love little pull-out images highlighting important locations, as well as heraldry on a map, and Mythal82 has combined them gloriously on his Grand Duchy of Cimmetra map.
Grand Duchy Continue reading »

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