Dear map-makers! What did the community share with us in September? Lots of cool maps of course. Let’s take a look at some of them.

EukalyptusNow takes the lead with the wonderful, atmospherically-lit Swamp Rat Inn. Check the forum thread for non-lighting versions of the map itself.
The Swamp Rat Inn

Wyvern created this wonderful map of Lovecraft’s Providence in the Cthulhu City style.
Lovecraft's Providence

The Lizard Lair by Tommy Kehlet uses Sue’s Marine Dungeon style.
Lizard Lair

I just love the color pop on James Stewart‘s weird and spooky reality rift map.
The Colors out of Space

Matt Finch‘s map of a wooded settlement is unnamed, so we’ll just go with the name of the D&D campaign it is for, “The White Shadow”.
The White Shadow

I really have a soft spot for the Worlds of Wonder overland style Jeff B used in his Turia/Uldiar Region map.
Turia Uldiar

Quenten Walker‘s small floorplan of Vlad’s Dive nicely captures the cramped, rundown feeling of a slum dive.
Vlad's Dive

And finally, Ricko Hasche created another wonderful Ravenloft-style map, this time of Castle Smirnoff.
Castle Smirnoff

Dear map-makers! It’s time to take another look last month’s community maps. If the selection is a bit smaller than usual, it’s only because many maps were created for the August mapping competition, which I did not want to double up here, especially before the winners were announced. If you want to check them out, and perhaps help with the voting, head over to the forum thread. But do enjoy these beautiful maps first!

JeffB created Richardson’s Roadhouse in the Dungeons of Schley style and did a superb job with adding atmospheric lighting.

While Ricko Hasche‘s city and village scenes are familiar by now, he doesn’t fail to delight with this wonderfully atmospheric cursed village

Mike Degn‘s Cloth-Salt Colonies are a wonderful example of how beautiful a modern overland map can be.

For the Chronicles of Möwendorf Morrgans has combined a whole slew of different map styles, including Pär Lindström’s book border and Vandel’s location vignettes. Great stuff!

Wyvern‘s whimsical map of Queen Mica’s Scintillating Palace (i.e. an anthive) just warms my heart. Such a lovely design!

Eric McNeal is back with another historical map of (actually a whole set of maps) in the Ferraris style, this time of the area of Miami. Gorgeous!

Last but not least, Mark Fradley shared his first city map with this underground dwarven city. I love the color-coding, great work, Mark!

Dear map-makers! Freshly back from GenCon and safely over the jet lag, I’ve now had time to check out all the community-made maps of July. You’ve been really busy, haven’t you!? Here’s just a small and pretty random selection of maps that caught my eye. Sorry to all the others I missed!

I chose two maps by EucalyptusNow, because I couldn’t decide which I liked better, the Oasis Town of Dekunu or Pamberton on Twynne.
Dekunu Oasis - Eucalyptus Now
Pamberton on Twynne - Eucalyptus Now Continue reading »

Dear map-makers, please enjoy another wonderful selection of maps created by our community members in June. There were far more than these few, which I had to skip for space reasons. Please visit our forum and/or Facebook group to see them!

AleD drew the city map of Borghello using Sue Daniel’s Darklands City style.

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Dear map-makers, summer is upon us and before I head off to indulge into a bit of hiking in the Scottish Isles (looks like a “THe Cartographer’s Travels” blog post may be coming up), let’s take another look at the beautiful maps that have been shared in the community.

Daniel Pereda De Pablo created this wonderful list fo heroes from an old Dragonlance adventure with Character Artist 3.
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Dear map-makers! Another month has passed and it’s time to look back and collect some of the wonderful maps (and other drawings) created by the community. So take a break, sit back and enjoy the mapping work that others (or you!) have done in April.

EukalyptusNow used the Serpentine City style to create Siaiola a fantasy version of Venice.
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Hello fellow map-makers, it’s time again to showcase some of the wonderful maps the community shared during the last month. There’s some really amazing work going on by all of you aut there, thank you very much!

Sue Daniel’s amazing Ferraris city style is truly one of our more advanced styles to work with, but look how splendid it looks when put together by Lizzy_Maracuja for her Accordo city map.
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Thank you to all you cartographers out there who are sharing your work with the world, irrespective of borders and nationalities. Your continued support for our hobby and your fellow map-makers is much appreciated. Here are just a few samples of your glorious work in February!

WeathermanSweden used publicly available altitude data to import it into Fractal Terrains, export that to CC3+ and create this greant rendition of how northern Europe would have looked 15,000 years ago!
15000 years before our time Continue reading »

Hello Cartographers and welcome to the first set of user maps of 2022. We’ve picked out a dozen beautiful maps from the user community for you to enjoy. Make sure to join the forum and/or the Facebook group to see many more each month, including the progress of many of these!

AleD used the Spectrum Overland style for this fantastic version of the lanscape of the same name in Northern Italy.
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Let’s do a last look back to 2021 with some community maps that were posted in December, either on the ProFantasy forum or in the Facebook community group. Thank you to each and every mapper participating, no matter whether you maps is shown here or not, you’re all awesome!

We start with probably the most prolific recent contributor in the Facebook group, Eric McNeal. Not only are his maps numerous, they are also all very beautiful. Take a look at these two examples:
The Empire of Manevryn
The West Crown
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