It looks like the ProFantasy community was extremely busy in May, I can’t remember ever having that many maps to look through. Great work! Here are the ones I’ve picked out for you to browse, but don’t forget to check out the Facebook group and forum for more!

The ineffably named TheIneffableCheese shared this wonderful map in the 13th Age style, which always has a special place in my heart.
The Hinterlands by TheIneffableCheese
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We have another fine selection of community maps for you. See what the community came up with in May and don’t forget to check out the Facebook group and forum for more!

Trencept Province by Stephen St John is a great showing of Sue Daniel Spectrum Overland style.
Trencept Province Stephen St John Continue reading »

I am a bit late with looking back on the maps of last month, but certainly not too late! Check out this awesome works posted in March.

Ricko Hasche has been extremely busy lately, and it was hard work to select just a couple of his wonderful maps to showcase.
Mr Igor Inn
City Map
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The new year is a month and bit old, and the CC3+ community has been busy as beavers in creating new maps already. Let’s have a look at some of the wonderful maps they shared in January.

Daniel Pereda De Pablo created this amazong floorplan of the Temple of Shinare, using the Cities and Dungeons of Schley styles.
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Unsurprisingly December is usually a little quieter in terms of map-making (Christmas, end of the year, etc.) and last month was no exception. But still there were plenty of wonderful map projects going on and results being share by the community. So here are a few semi-random picks:

Jean-Claude Tremblay took last year’s Winter Village style and created this wonderfully season-appropriate settlement.
Winter Village Continue reading »

The Holidays are closing in an I though everybody would be busy with preparations for the festivities, but there seems to be now slowdown in the creation of new maps on the forum and FB community. We already presented some fresh Symbol Set 6 maps here, but there was plenty of other material as well. So take a gander at some of the beautiful stuff the community produces in November.

An unnamed 13th Age map by Julian Dracos

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After a little (just a little) quieter time in the summer months, the number of posted maps on the forum and FB group is picking up again and it’s getting harder to look through them all. But that means more wonderful maps for us to marvel at!

We start with the Elemental Nations by Ricko Hasche and a wonderful use of the 13th Age overland style.
The Elemental Nations Continue reading »

EucalyptusNow over on the Profantasy community forum posted an excellent little tutorial on creating decorative symbols by tracing graphics from other sources, and we thought it would be great to share this on the blog. So break out your mapping tools and follow along.

This is a tutorial for creating vignettes / decoration symbols out of rounded polygons by tracing existing images.

I’ve more or less stumbled upon this method, after I wanted a spider to decorate a map and could not find one exactly like I wanted, so I drew/ traced it.

Step One: Determine what you want for your map.

Based on the opinion of a certain younger member of our household, I’m going to use a unicorn as an example. It should be suitable as a crest, stamp or as a general map decoration.

Step Two: Find a suitable source image:

This image could be any drawing, picture or even photo. The most important thing is that the general shape of what you want to trace matches what you want.

Please keep copyright in mind if you are planning to use the created symbol for a map you are going to publish. I try to use public domain images whenever possible.

After some searching around, I’ve found this public domain crest on Wikipedia:

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Dear map-makers! What did the community share with us in September? Lots of cool maps of course. Let’s take a look at some of them.

EukalyptusNow takes the lead with the wonderful, atmospherically-lit Swamp Rat Inn. Check the forum thread for non-lighting versions of the map itself.
The Swamp Rat Inn

Wyvern created this wonderful map of Lovecraft’s Providence in the Cthulhu City style.
Lovecraft's Providence

The Lizard Lair by Tommy Kehlet uses Sue’s Marine Dungeon style.
Lizard Lair

I just love the color pop on James Stewart‘s weird and spooky reality rift map.
The Colors out of Space

Matt Finch‘s map of a wooded settlement is unnamed, so we’ll just go with the name of the D&D campaign it is for, “The White Shadow”.
The White Shadow

I really have a soft spot for the Worlds of Wonder overland style Jeff B used in his Turia/Uldiar Region map.
Turia Uldiar

Quenten Walker‘s small floorplan of Vlad’s Dive nicely captures the cramped, rundown feeling of a slum dive.
Vlad's Dive

And finally, Ricko Hasche created another wonderful Ravenloft-style map, this time of Castle Smirnoff.
Castle Smirnoff

Dear map-makers! It’s time to take another look last month’s community maps. If the selection is a bit smaller than usual, it’s only because many maps were created for the August mapping competition, which I did not want to double up here, especially before the winners were announced. If you want to check them out, and perhaps help with the voting, head over to the forum thread. But do enjoy these beautiful maps first!

JeffB created Richardson’s Roadhouse in the Dungeons of Schley style and did a superb job with adding atmospheric lighting.

While Ricko Hasche‘s city and village scenes are familiar by now, he doesn’t fail to delight with this wonderfully atmospheric cursed village

Mike Degn‘s Cloth-Salt Colonies are a wonderful example of how beautiful a modern overland map can be.

For the Chronicles of Möwendorf Morrgans has combined a whole slew of different map styles, including Pär Lindström’s book border and Vandel’s location vignettes. Great stuff!

Wyvern‘s whimsical map of Queen Mica’s Scintillating Palace (i.e. an anthive) just warms my heart. Such a lovely design!

Eric McNeal is back with another historical map of (actually a whole set of maps) in the Ferraris style, this time of the area of Miami. Gorgeous!

Last but not least, Mark Fradley shared his first city map with this underground dwarven city. I love the color-coding, great work, Mark!

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