Hello fellow map-makers, it’s time again to showcase some of the wonderful maps the community shared during the last month. There’s some really amazing work going on by all of you aut there, thank you very much!

Sue Daniel’s amazing Ferraris city style is truly one of our more advanced styles to work with, but look how splendid it looks when put together by Lizzy_Maracuja for her Accordo city map.
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Thank you to all you cartographers out there who are sharing your work with the world, irrespective of borders and nationalities. Your continued support for our hobby and your fellow map-makers is much appreciated. Here are just a few samples of your glorious work in February!

WeathermanSweden used publicly available altitude data to import it into Fractal Terrains, export that to CC3+ and create this greant rendition of how northern Europe would have looked 15,000 years ago!
15000 years before our time Continue reading »

Hello Cartographers and welcome to the first set of user maps of 2022. We’ve picked out a dozen beautiful maps from the user community for you to enjoy. Make sure to join the forum and/or the Facebook group to see many more each month, including the progress of many of these!

AleD used the Spectrum Overland style for this fantastic version of the lanscape of the same name in Northern Italy.
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Let’s do a last look back to 2021 with some community maps that were posted in December, either on the ProFantasy forum or in the Facebook community group. Thank you to each and every mapper participating, no matter whether you maps is shown here or not, you’re all awesome!

We start with probably the most prolific recent contributor in the Facebook group, Eric McNeal. Not only are his maps numerous, they are also all very beautiful. Take a look at these two examples:
The Empire of Manevryn
The West Crown
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As we’re closing in on the end of the year and looking back on the maps posted by the community in November, there is no sign of you map-makers letting up with the awesome maps. Check out just a few of the cartographic bonanza that the month has been:

Lizzy_Maracuja‘s post-apocalypse settlement of Hope looks wonderful in its two different lighting versions, one at day and one at night.
Hope - Lizzy_Maracuja
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Looking back over the user contributions of last month I really had some hard decisions on what to include to keep this post manageable. So many beautiful maps posted! I hope you enjoy our users’ work of October.

Seeing so much of her work in the Annuals, we tend to take Sue Daniel‘s mapping work for granted. So take this amazing little dungeon floorplan as a reminder what outstanding maps she produces, especially when she has the time and opportunity to focus on one specific map over a complete style.

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Anders Bergström – known as Lillhans on the ProFantasy forum – has astounded us at ProFantasy and the whole CC3+ community with his aquarelle-style drawings for a while now, with many of us having trouble believing that they were done in CC3+. Look at this map:

It’s so different from the usual battlemap styles (varied as they are), that everybody was wondering “how did he do it?”.

After creating an Annual style based on his work in September 2019, he’s now spilling even more secrets in the following article “Doodles & Drawings”. Let’s hand over to him:

Doodles & Drawings

A while back, it was suggested that I write an article about the train of thought and process of using Campaign Cartographer in what has to be among the least time-efficient ways possible. That is, using it to the best of my abilities. Not too long after, there was also a request for a tutorial being made and while a completely different script was already in the making for the first article, I figured I might as well splice thoughts and ideas. Then, a third request for popping the hood of my faux hand-drawn endeavours prompted yet another consideration of focus and approach and – would you believe it – a third iteration seemed more appropriate after all.

Anyway, here is the rather lengthy introduction. Don’t worry: there will also be some kind-of-technical stuff further down the line. And that stuff is going to be rather lengthy as well, I guess.

Continue reading the pdf article…

About the author: Occasional map-finisher, sometimes character sheet filler, and at least once every two decades talking with the others about putting the band back together. It’s probably for the best not to mention I one time was in the jury (when they still had those) for the Eurovision song contest national selections.

Due to my holiday we are a little later than usual with the Maps of the (previous) Month, but that doesn’t mean we are going to skip them. The maps created in our community are just too wonderful not to share them. As always, this is is just a small, pretyt random collection of maps that caought my eye. Thank you everybody for sharing your work and keep up the mapping!

Ricken used Pär Lindström regional style n the black and white version and combined it wit a couple symbols from Mike Schley to create this stylish map of the Ravenloft Subcontinent.

Ravenloft Subcontinent

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We have another gallery of wonderful user maps posted on the Profantasy forum and in the Facebook CC3+ community last month. All for you to browse and admire!

“Schopp und Umland” by Ute Gundacker is a WW2-style map from an actual village in my home country, so I really needed to include this, even if it had been any less beautiful.
Schopp und Umland

Calibre is so prolific, and creates such beautiful maps, that I had to include two of them for the August gallery.
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We are a bit later this month, as I was on holiday for a week, but we still got a bunch of great maps from the community to show off.

The section of the city of Padova by AleD uses Sue Daniel’s Ferraris city style to great effect.

Parsley‘s Land of Vareltia map is a wonderful example of the type of result you can get for your very first maps with the Mike Schley Overland style.
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