Maps of the Month: April 2022

Dear map-makers! Another month has passed and it’s time to look back and collect some of the wonderful maps (and other drawings) created by the community. So take a break, sit back and enjoy the mapping work that others (or you!) have done in April.

EukalyptusNow used the Serpentine City style to create Siaiola a fantasy version of Venice.

Wyvern is creating a new and very special city for the Community Atlas, and this is just one of the many maps created for it. Check out several threads on the Profantasy forum to see it in all its glory.

Tegwyn Saga is a wonderful world map by Joel M, exported from Fractal Terrains into CC3+ and fleshed out in the Mike Schley Overland style.
Tegwyn Saga

The Isle of Cheldovey by Stephen St John looks like a classic starting point for a role-playing campaign or fantasy story.

It’s just a “Dungeon” by Mark Deane, but also a great example of the Dungeons of Schley style.

Quenten used the Rennaissance City style for this great view of the town of Forananwe, an elven port.

To showcase that it’s not always map, here are the “Mocking Grievers” by Daniel Pereda De Pablo, a set of figures created in Character Artist 3.
The Mocking Grievers

Pie Town looks deceptively simply at first glance, but Mythal82 did a great job at depicting that very small town feeling for a Cthulhu game. I live the touch with the crossed out population number. Who died recently? Was it a murder? So many questions…
Pie Town

Ricko Hasche keeps delighting us with his landscape and city scenens created with large-scale symbols. He recently started adding lighting to set the mood, and it works perfectly in this map of the classic Ravenloft setting.

Michael Kirschbaum shared this map of a Winter Village created with Sue Daniel’s eponymous style. Hey, it’s spring now, perhaps we should switch to her Asian Town style with the flowerign cherry trees!
Winter Town

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