I had real trouble limiting myself when choosing maps from the community for the Maps of the Month post for May, so there are quite a few more than usually. Check out what lovely work our mappers produced, it is incredible (and only the tip of the iceberg).

If you remeber the old dread gazebo D&D anecdote, you will probably get a little extra chuckle out of this little map by Daniel Pereda de Pablo (dapereda), created with the Mike Schley symbol sets.
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February saw many great maps posted in our community, many of them for the 500th Atlas Map competition that was running during the month. You can check those out (and vote for your favorites) here, so I won’t repeat them in this collection and showcase a few others instead.

Over on the forum AleD created a series of Viking-era maps, and this night scene of a breached palisade is just one of them. Check out the others by clicking on the image!
Wall Breach Continue reading »

November has come and gone and produced another fine crop of user maps on both the Profantasy forum and in the CC3+ FB Group. Here is a very small selection of them presented as the November installment of our popular Maps of the Month blog.

Near the beginning of the month Loopysue completed a map that Jerry Thiel started some time ago. Jerry is sadly no longer able to map but still finds pleasure in writing game scenarios. The Lakes of Michigami is a fantasy version of a real world location intended as the main campaign map.
Loopysue - Lake Michigami
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June was another great month with amazing user maps being posted both on the ProFantasy forum and the Facebook community. Let’s take a look at just a few examples!

Wyvern created this amazingly detailed map of an ant hive, using an old “modern cave” style from the Annual Vol 1.
The Hive Continue reading »

Dear Cartographer’s, thank you again for sharing all the wonderful work you do on the community forum and in the Facebook group. We can’t do justice to them all, here is just a small selection of the beautiful maps we’ve seen last month.

Mateus has been especially prolific last month, sharing many amazing maps. This one, the Ilha Rasa is just one of this works, created with the Dark Realms style from the Cartographer’s Annual 2016.
Ilha Rasa Continue reading »

Welcome cartographers, to another collection of beautiful community maps, this time from March 2020. Enjoy!

Daniel Pereda De Pablo created this beautiful city map, based on Castle Crimson of the Dragonlance setting, with the Mike Schley city style of Symbol Set 5.
RevelersWay_DanielPeredaDePablo Continue reading »

We’re well into 2020 now and and the community has been busy decorating the new year with lots of beautiful maps. Here are some that caught our eye!

The January Annual issue (Watabou Cities) has been especially popular, as it allows the fast creation of beautiful city maps. Enderrin over at the community forum shared several of his creations and the Dragonsrock map below is just one of them, where he added his own kind of cliffs to the style.
Dragonsrock Continue reading »

We are already a good bit into the new year and January, but we still like to take a quick look back at the some of the beautiful maps created by our user community in December.

André Franke created this fantastic map of a hypothetical Antarctica (without the ice) with the help of Fractal Terrain 3, Wilbur and the November Annual issue.
Antarctica by Andre Franké Continue reading »

With the weather turning cold here in Europe and the trees shedding their leaves, it’s a great time to spent the darkening evening drawing a beautiful map or two. The ProFantasy community certainly has obviously done so and produced more awesome maps. Here are a few for your your delight!

Shera McDaniel (Ladiestorm) continues to transcend our organization and typing of map styles and produces wonderful city maps using the Mike Schley Overland style. Here is the city of Narvania.
Narvania City
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Summer is over, September is getting on and its time to collect another batch of beautiful user maps to highlight. Let’s see what the Profantasy community produced this month!

Maidhc O Casain over on the forum used the Annual’s watercolour style to produce a version of probably the most famous RPG village of all time: Hommlet:

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