Welcome back to the Maps of the Month series, where we present a selection of beautiful and special maps created by our user community. Take a look at the great maps that have been posted to the ProFantasy forum or the CC3+ Facebook group.

This is one of the very first maps done in CC3+ by forum user simianorganism, using the Dungeons of Schley style for a virtual tabletop battle map.
Battle map by simianorganism Continue reading »

Hi folks, welcome to our monthly look at the maps of our user community. Check out these few samples of the great stuff the CC3+ users have posted on the (now freshly re-furbished) forum and the Facebook group. Thanks to all of them and everyone else who is sharing their work!

Shessar posted the final version of her map of the Western Lands.
The Western Lands Continue reading »

Welcome fellow mappers, to another look at some of the community maps created during the previous month. You’ve been amazingly busy, with many new members joining the community and creating wonderful maps on their wonderful journey into map-making. Enjoy these highlights, but always remember there are many more available on the forum and the FB group and we make no claims about picking the best or only ones!

Dan Morgan created the wonderful little Berkshire County map with July’s awesome “Spectrum Overland” style which has been a hit among this year’s Annual subscribers.
Berkshire County by Dan Morgan Continue reading »

June was another great month with amazing user maps being posted both on the ProFantasy forum and the Facebook community. Let’s take a look at just a few examples!

Wyvern created this amazingly detailed map of an ant hive, using an old “modern cave” style from the Annual Vol 1.
The Hive Continue reading »

A big thank you to all the amazing map-makers out there sharing their work with the community. Again, it’s been very hard to pick out just a few, and we can’t do justice to them all, but here is just a small selection of the beautiful maps we’ve seen last month.

Will Mason, or Arcwynd as he is known on the forum, was extremely prolific. His series of classic dungeon maps is just one of the Show and Tell threads he’s started. Check out his other stuff as well!
Classic Dungeon Continue reading »

Dear Cartographer’s, thank you again for sharing all the wonderful work you do on the community forum and in the Facebook group. We can’t do justice to them all, here is just a small selection of the beautiful maps we’ve seen last month.

Mateus has been especially prolific last month, sharing many amazing maps. This one, the Ilha Rasa is just one of this works, created with the Dark Realms style from the Cartographer’s Annual 2016.
Ilha Rasa Continue reading »

Welcome cartographers, to another collection of beautiful community maps, this time from March 2020. Enjoy!

Daniel Pereda De Pablo created this beautiful city map, based on Castle Crimson of the Dragonlance setting, with the Mike Schley city style of Symbol Set 5.
RevelersWay_DanielPeredaDePablo Continue reading »

Continuing our tradition of honoring and thanking the most prolific and helpful members of our community, we are awarding – probably to nobody’s surprise but her own – 2019’s title of Master Mapper to …

Master Mapper 2019: Sue Daniel

Sue has been a member of our map-making community for some years now and has been a constant companion to us in the community forum, the Facebook group, as well as in the work for the Cartographer’s Annual and other projects. We specifically want to thank her with this award for:

  • Creating many amazingly beautiful maps and sharing them with the community.
  • Always being there to answer questions from the community in the most diligent way.
  • Taking the tools and resources of Campaign Cartographer 3 to their limits and beyond, stretching their application for everyone else.
  • For contributing her knowledge and work both on the RGPMaps blog and in the Cartographer’s Annual.

So, thank you Sue and we hope we will see many more of your beautiful works and your helpful advice in the coming years!

With all that worry out there in the world and all of us (very sensibly) urged to stay home and limit our social contact, let’s take a look what wonderful maps our users can and did come up last month.

Terratu in Mike Schley’s Overland style by Aten Pharaoh in the Facebook community
Terratu Continue reading »

We’re well into 2020 now and and the community has been busy decorating the new year with lots of beautiful maps. Here are some that caught our eye!

The January Annual issue (Watabou Cities) has been especially popular, as it allows the fast creation of beautiful city maps. Enderrin over at the community forum shared several of his creations and the Dragonsrock map below is just one of them, where he added his own kind of cliffs to the style.
Dragonsrock Continue reading »

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