Remy Monsen | March 9, 2021 | cc3plus, Community Atlas Project
The community atlas project just finished it’s 500th map competition. The competition was all about making a dungeon with a fire an/or ice theme. 18 people participated, handing in a total of 30 maps. The voting is now over, but all the maps can be seen in the voting thread.
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated in the contest.
The winners are as follows, and all won vouchers to the ProFantasy store, sponsored by ProFantasy Software Ltd and JimP from the forums.
Best Map:
Coils of the Cold Coroner by Autumn Getty
2nd Place:
The Temple of the Burning Ice by AleD
3rd Place:
Kristol Caverns by Loopysue
4th Place:
The Fire of Lielt’ma by daperdepa
5th Place:
Klodevig’s Gauntlet by Lillhans
500th Atlas Map:
The 500th atlas map was randomly drawn between the maps of the contestants still eligible for a prize. And the winner of this honor was
Fifth Summer Palace of the Winter Queen by Wyvern
Great work everyone, and thanks form the Community Atlas Project for all the new wonderful maps for the atlas.
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ralf | March 5, 2021 |
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ralf | February 5, 2021 | Monsters, Token Treasury, Tokens, vtt
We are happy to announce the release of Token Treasury: Monsters 2, our second release in a line offering tokens for CC3+ and supporting virtual tabletop software with ready-to-use artwork.
The Token Treasury line gives you a huge selection of creatures and characters to populate your maps, with frames and varicolor backgrounds to customize your virtual tabletop tokens. The art is available as CC3+ symbols and as PNG files for any graphics package such as Photoshop and GIMP. The Token Treasury is designed for use with any virtual table top software such as roll20, Battlegrounds, d20pro and Fantasy grounds.
Token Treasury: Monsters 2 contains 100 creatures drawn by fantasy artist Rich Longmore, in rectangular and circular forms, as well as a set of token frames for depicting the creatures role and position in combat for your fantasy maps.

Token Treasury: Monsters 2 can now be ordered from the ProFantasy store.
The full feature list includes:

- More than 500 symbols for use in CC3+ including the 100 creatures and 32 frames/arrows frames in 4 symbol catalogs, and templates and drawing styles for creating more token combinations.
- More than 700 tokens, consisting of 100 creatures and 32 frames/arrows in various configurations, for immediate use in any graphics software such as Photoshop or GIMP.
- Ready for use in virtual table top (VTT) application such as roll20, d20pro, Battlegrounds and Fantasy Grounds.
- Frames for melee, ranged, magic and bosses to denote the creature’s role in combat, and arrows to indicate their facing.
- A guide introducing you to the Token Treasury both within CC3+ and in other applications.
- If you own CC3+, TT:M also installs symbol catalogs, templates and drawing tools. Create custom tokens with varicolour backgrounds and add your own frames. Mirror the symbols to add variations.
This is the full list of creatures. Normal creatures are 300 x 300 pixels, large creatures are 600 x 600 pixels, and huge creatures are 600 x 900 pixels.

- Animated Armor normal
- Azer 1 normal
- Azer 2 normal
- Basilisk normal
- Behemoth huge
- Bird Swarmlarge
- Boar Dire normal
- Centaur Chief large
- Centaur Melee large
- Centaur Ranged large
- Crab Giant normal
- Crocodile normal
- Death Knight normal
- Demon Incubus normal
- Demon Succubus normal
- Deva 1 normal
- Deva 2 normal
- Devil (Barbed) normal
- Dinosaur (Raptor) normal
- Dinosaur (TRex) huge
- Displacer Beast normal
- Dog Guard normal
- Dog Hunting normal
- Dog Rabid normal
- Dretch 1 normal
- Dretch 2 normal
- Drow Assassin normal
- Drow Matriarch normal
- Eagle 1 normal
- Eagle 2 normal
- Elephant huge
- Ettercap normal
- Fey Pixie normal
- Fey Sprite normal
- Flying Skull normal
- Frog Giant normal
- Frogspawn Chief normal
- Frogspawn Melee normal
- Frogspawn Priest normal
- Frogspawn Ranged normal
- Giant Cloud huge
- Giant Snail normal
- Giant Storm huge
- Gibbering Mouther normal
- Golem Flesh large
- Golem Iron large
- Harpy normal
- Hawk normal
- Hyena normal
- Kraken huge
- Leopard normal
- Lion normal
- Mimic normal
- Mohrg normal
- Octopus Giant large
- Ogre Mage large
- Orca large
- Phoenix large
- Piranha Swarm large
- Purple Worm large
- Rat Dire normal
- Rat Ogre large
- Ratfolk Captain normal
- Ratfolk Magic-user normal
- Ratfolk Melee normal
- Ratfolk Ranged normal
- Rust Monster normal
- Sahuagin Captain normal
- Sahuagin Melee normal
- Sahuagin Priest normal
- Sahuagin Ranged normal
- Satyr normal
- Serpentfolk Captain normal
- Serpentfolk Magic-user normal
- Serpentfolk Melee normal
- Serpentfolk Ranged normal
- Shambling Mound large
- Shark normal
- Snake Python normal
- Snake Venomonous normal
- Spider Swarm large
- Stirge normal
- Svirfneblin Chieftain normal
- Svirfneblin Magic-user normal
- Svirfneblin Melee normal
- Svirfneblin Ranged normal
- Tiefling Rogue 1 normal
- Tiefling Rogue 2 normal
- Tiger normal
- Tiger normal
- Troglodytes Captain normal
- Troglodytes Magic-user normal
- Troglodytes Melee normal
- Troglodytes Ranged normal
- Werebear large
- Wereboar normal
- Wererat normal
- White Stag normal
- Winter Wolf normal
- Xorn normal

ralf | October 1, 2020 |
The October issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2020 is now available. Create beautiful maps of maritime, canal-heavy cities like Venice or Amsterdam with the Serpentine City style. Named after the Swords of the Serpentine game by Pelgrane Press and modeled from the the map artwork by Jérôme Huguenin for the city of Eversink, the style uses vector graphics, many sheet effects and a custom color palette to match his beautiful work.
If you have already subscribed to the Annual 2020, you can download the October issue from your registration page. If not, you can subscribe here.
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ralf | September 1, 2020 | Annual, city mapping, cliffs, Sue Daniel
The September Annual is now available. Sue Daniel created a wonderful set of connecting symbols that let you draw precipitous cliffs in your city and town maps with just a few easy clicks, along with special features like gaps, stack, ascending roads and waterfalls.
The symbols come integrated with the Jon Roberts Cities style, which is included in CC3+, but can also be added to any other city style (for example from City Designer 3) easily. The accompanying mapping guide not only explains how to do that, but also gives a step-by-step overview of the workings of the connecting symbols.
If you have already subscribed to the Annual 2020, you can download the September issue from your registration page. If not, you can subscribe here.
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Remy Monsen | August 27, 2020 | forum
It is time to update the software running the ProFantasy Community Forum. This includes both the forum software itself, as well as the underlying software on the server. There are a lot of things that need to be manually handled here, so this is a major operation.
I plan to start at Friday, August 28th 2020 at 18:00 hours CET, and estimate a maintenance window for about 6 hours, but it could potentially take longer. During this time, the forum will be unavailable.
The new version of the forum software will bring along some new features to the forum, such as a better post editor and better support for mobile browsers. Check back after the upgrade is complete to learn about all the other changes.
The new version is now up and running. Check this post in the forum for a breakdown on some of the changes.
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ralf | May 1, 2020 | Annual, city mapping, Glynn Seal
The May issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2020 has just been released. Glynn Seal of MonkeyBlood Design has created a wonderful new town and city style for us, the Ryecroft Town style. Easy to use for anyone with the latest incorporation of the city tools into CC3+, the Ryecroft Town styles gives you a wonderful new look for your fantasy or medieval towns and cities. As usual the issue comes with a mapping guide, that takes you through creating a whole town using the style on 6 pages.
If you have already subscribed to the Annual 2020, you can download the May issue from your registration page. If not, you can subscribe here.
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ralf | April 9, 2020 | charity, coronavirus
We announced on the 23rd March that we would donate 10% of our bundle sales to The Cochrane Collection COVID-19 resources. We are pleased to say we’ve raised £1459 as of April 1st 2020. We’ll continue with this initiative until at least the end of April.
We’d like to offer a big thank you to our customers and to those who have donated directly.
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ralf | April 8, 2020 | Master Mapper, Sue Daniel
Continuing our tradition of honoring and thanking the most prolific and helpful members of our community, we are awarding – probably to nobody’s surprise but her own – 2019’s title of Master Mapper to …
Master Mapper 2019: Sue Daniel
Sue has been a member of our map-making community for some years now and has been a constant companion to us in the community forum, the Facebook group, as well as in the work for the Cartographer’s Annual and other projects. We specifically want to thank her with this award for:
- Creating many amazingly beautiful maps and sharing them with the community.
- Always being there to answer questions from the community in the most diligent way.
- Taking the tools and resources of Campaign Cartographer 3 to their limits and beyond, stretching their application for everyone else.
- For contributing her knowledge and work both on the RGPMaps blog and in the Cartographer’s Annual.
So, thank you Sue and we hope we will see many more of your beautiful works and your helpful advice in the coming years!
ralf | April 1, 2020 | Annual, black and white, Dungeons
The April issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2020 is now available. It includes a new dungeon styles based on ink-and-paper cartography by the likes of Dyson Logos and MonkeyBloodDesign, which allows you to produce simple and effective but also beautiful black and white dungeon layouts. The included 6-page mapping guide takes you through the process of drawing a complete dungeon.
If you have already subscribed to the Annual 2020, you can download the April issue from your registration page. If not, you can subscribe here.
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