The third month (August 2022) of year two of the monthly free material includes symbols for a town or village marketplace with a variety of market stalls which can be combined with different types of merchandise, a large market tent, a speaker’s platform and a pillory.

Note that the example maps included with the free content make use of Symbol Set 4 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS4 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 4 – Dungeons of Schley is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including August 2022 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

The second month (July 2022) of year two of the monthly free material includes symbols for a smith’s workshop with forge, anvil, tools, and supplies for a classic village smithy floorplan.

Note that the example maps included with the free content make use of Symbol Set 4 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS4 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 4 – Dungeons of Schley is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including July 2022 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

CA173 The Four KingdomsEvery year we make one of the Cartographer’s Annual issue available for free to give everyone a taste of the great mapping inside.

This year we decided on the Darklands overland style from may, created by Sue Daniel which gives you a full-blown overland style for your maps. This style is now included in the Free Sampler and can also be downloaded individually from the Annual page.

To make up to all our loyal subscribers, we add a bonus issue to the year’s roster. This year Sue Daniel expands on her Darklands City style with new textures, symbols and tools that let you enhance your city maps with fields and meadows, separating hedges and walls, and reed-overgrown riverbanks.

The Bonus issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2021 yet, you can do so here.

Note: The re-subcription offer for the Annual 2022 will become available later this week.

Example September

Download InstructionsWe continue with our free monthly content for Campaign Cartographer 3+. This month Mike Schley added the the thrid party of the classical fanasy trio his overland style: The Dwarves and their mostly underground cities, strongholds, mines and outposts.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list (see image on the right). All the content so far is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

CA168 Karrenschuster HomeEvery year we make one of the Cartographer’s Annual issue available for free to give everyone a taste of the tasty mapping inside. This year we decided on the Tagkrammer Isometric style from December, that lets you create 3D maps of buildings and dungeon layouts. This style is now included in the Free Sampler.

To make up to all our loyal subscribers, we add a bonus issue to the year’s roster. This year Sue Daniel expands on her City Cliffs symbol pack with two new sets of symbols, one in limestone and the other in sandstone. Almost 150 new symbols in 2 catalogs, 3 new bitmap fills, and two alternate versions of the Varon Rock example map give you lots of sheer rock faces to tinker with.

Varon rock Sandstone cliffs

CA132A Three Pines CreekThe Cartographer’s Annual 2018 is complete and we have a free bonus issue in store to cap the year. It is a set of beautiful bitmap artwork by community member Sue Daniel that lets you add scroll and parchments backgrounds to your maps.

You can download the free issue directly from the Annual page or, if you have subscribed to the current year, from your registration page.

We’ll shortly offer current Annual subscribers the option to re-subscribe to the Annual 2018. If you want to take advantage of the reduced rate for subscribers, you can still quickly subscribe to the Annual 2017 here.

We’ve got great news from the Vintyri project, a cartographic collection of free, open RPG symbols and fill patterns for use with Campaign Cartographer™ 3 and 3+. I’ll let Mark Oliva, the leading man behind the project, explain the details:

Vintyri HousesWe’ve entered a new release phase with the free, open gaming Vintyri (TM) Cartographic Collection for Campaign Cartographer 3+ and Campaign Cartographer 3 from ProFantasy Ltd. All of the releases are available for free private and commercial use under the Open Game License 1.0a. These symbols will give CC3+ and CC3 cartographers the ability to make maps in the style of the Joerdhgardh campaign setting.

In the past 10 days, we’ve:

1. Released Vintyri (TM) Symbol Set 3 for CC3+ and CC3 in an open beta version. This is the first time that Symbol Set 3 has been available for CC3+ and/or CC3.

2. The final Version 1.1 of Vintyri Symbol Set 2 for CC3+ and CC3. It contains very substantial changes from the current pre-release edition.

3. The final release of Version 4.2 of the Vintyri Fills & Textures. It includes important changes that are the result of user recommendations.

Each release includes a free, bookmarked and illustrated PDF Manual. All manual all now also include instructions for Windows 10 users.

If you’re uncertain whether this package is of interest, you can preview the content here:

Fills & Textures Version 4.2 (final release):

Symbol Set 2 Version 1.1 (final release):

Symbol Set 3 Open Beta Version 1.0 ß1.0

The site address for downloading the manuals, the fills & textures a the symbol sets is:

The new, final version of the Vintyri Fills & Textures package contains completely remade templates based upon a number of user recommendations that perform quite well. The accompanying illustrated and bookmarked installation guide also has been changed substantially to include instructions for the new and improved download and installation system and additional themes requested by users.

The final Version 1.1 of the Vintyri Symbol Set 2 offers wide-reaching changes over the last pre-release version. We strongly urge all who downloaded the pre-release version to download and install the update. The main change is the replacement of ALL 286 symbols with new versions that restore the color depth of the originals.

That’s the most visible change, but many other things also have changed since the last pre-release version:

1. All of the mostly small errors on catalog level and in the CC3 registry entries have been corrected.

2. The installation has been greatly simplified.

3. The symbol (.PNG file) download has been split for the benefit of those who have less than ideal Internet service.

4. A totally revised version of the .PDF user manual. We strongly urge you to download it before you download or install the Vintyri Symbol Set files. It will save you a lot of trouble. For the first time, the manual also includes important information for Windows 10 users.

The new Vintyri (TM) Symbol Set 3 collection for CC3+ and CC3 includes 131 Medieval Age type symbols for artisans and merchants: Baking houses, bakeries, butcher shops, chandler (candlemaker) shops, a copper mill, a flaxbreaking house, foundries, a clay-baking kiln, lumber sheds, mills with top- and bottom-driven waterwheels, a combination waterwheel- and
wind-driven mill, river cranes, sawmills, smithies, tanneries, a tobacco-drying house, wainwright (wagon-maker) operations and windmills.

As with Vintyri Symbol Set 2, this new release integrates completely into City Designer 3, using CD3’s roof shadowing, toolbar, street alignment, demographic building coloring, etc. HOWEVER, there are some prerequisites. The Vintyri Cartographic Collection is conceived as a unit. Each successive release builds upon the last, with the basic elements of the CD integration
including master filters, catalogs, menus and elements of the CD3 integration built into the installation routine of the keystone set, Vintyri Symbol Set 2. That means that in addition to a running installation of CC3+ and/or CC3, you also need to have installed Vintyri Symbol Set 2 for Symbol Set 3 to operate properly.

We’re offering Vintyri Symbol Set 3 at this time as an open beta test release. Our target for closing the beta period is Monday, November 30. Downloading does not obligate you to make beta reports, but if you have problems or find errors, please let me know!

The Vintyri Project is a non-profit organization. We sell nothing. We neither solicit nor accept donations. We do no kickstarters. All of our products are free and are released for private and commercial use under the Open Game License 1.0a.

Mark Oliva
Webmaster, the Vintyri Project (TM)
The Vintyri Project is a non-commercial service

We’ve decided to release six free issues of our Cartographer’s Annual to give non-subscribers a taste of what they are missing.  Three of these issues were previously released free, the others – only subscribers have seen them to date.

You can download the installation here.

All ProFantasy customers who haven’t opted out will have received a voucher valid until the end of the month with a discount from any single Annual purchase. If you haven’t received yours, email us.

Free Issues

CA04 Sarah Wroot

April 2007

The style pack Sarah Wroot Overland gives you all the tools to create maps similar to the work of master illustrator and cartographer Sarah Wroot.

Mapping Guide: Sarah Wroot Style


CA21 Battle Maps

September 2008

The map pack “Battle Maps” contains several examples, templates and instructions on how to create your own miniatures map for your gaming table.

Mapping Guide: Battle Maps


CA36B Battle Tiles

December 2009

The December special issue contains a tutorial pack on creating quick and easy geomorphic Battles Tiles, complete with video tutorials by Joseph Sweeney.

Watch Joseph Sweeney Online Tutorials on YouTube.


CA43 Hex Maps

July 2010

The style pack Overland Hex Maps gives you the winning entry of the 2010 user suggestions vote.

Mapping Guide: Hex Overland Maps


CA54 Jon Roberts Dungeons

June 2011

The style pack Jon Roberts’ Dungeons contains a new drawing style for dungeon floorplans and battlemaps.

Mapping Guide: Jon Roberts’ Dungeon


July 2012

The symbol and texture pack High Space SciFi Tiles contains hundreds of new textures and symbol, accompanied by video tutorials by Joseph Sweeney.

Watch Joseph Sweeney Online Tutorials on YouTube.


Maps and MoreRecently Profantasy has offered a batch of Unlimited Patron Licenses to our customers, as a way to get a comprehensive collection of our software, including unlimited future updates.

One of the included perks is a sample map of the customer’s campaign, done by yours truly. Now one of our patrons has decided to donate this map (or better the mapping time) to the community. To decide what this sample should be, I’m asking you for suggestions. What do you want to see mapped as a freely available resource? The map will be available for download in both CC3 and PDF formats, so that you can edit it if you own CC3 yourself, or just print it for your own game.

You can see some of my mapping work at Let me know in the comments below or head over to the forum.

Happy mapping,

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