Free Annual and Bonus Issue

CA168 Karrenschuster HomeEvery year we make one of the Cartographer’s Annual issue available for free to give everyone a taste of the tasty mapping inside. This year we decided on the Tagkrammer Isometric style from December, that lets you create 3D maps of buildings and dungeon layouts. This style is now included in the Free Sampler.

To make up to all our loyal subscribers, we add a bonus issue to the year’s roster. This year Sue Daniel expands on her City Cliffs symbol pack with two new sets of symbols, one in limestone and the other in sandstone. Almost 150 new symbols in 2 catalogs, 3 new bitmap fills, and two alternate versions of the Varon Rock example map give you lots of sheer rock faces to tinker with.

Varon rock Sandstone cliffs

One Response to “Free Annual and Bonus Issue”

  1. Fantastic work. 2020 has been a great year for cartography and I think 2021 will be even better