ralf | March 5, 2013 | battle map, CSUAC, Deadlands
I continue my series of battle maps for our Deadlands Reloaded campaign with this A1 map of a longhouse set on a snowy clearing.

Click on the image above to download the full size pdf.
It saw action last Friday, when the player characters stood side by side with the Klickitat tribe to defend the longhouse against a wolfling attack. It was an exciting battle!
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ralf | February 18, 2013 | battle map, CSUAC, Deadlands
Last Friday’s Deadlands Reloaded campaign session saw a tough battle against a Chinook – a weather-controlling cross between a wolverine and a Kodiak bear in the Deadlands setting. It was fought on the shore of a mountain lake and I created this battle map for the occasion, making special use of the snow and ice bitmap fills includes in Symbol Set 2 – Fantasy Floorplans. The tree symbols are from CSUAC.

Click on the image to to download a full-size miniature-scale pdf and go to the ProFantasy forum to download the CC3 file.
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ralf | January 24, 2013 | battle map, Deadlands
After a hiatus around Christmas and New Year, our Deadlands Reloaded campaign is back in full swing. For the latest session I created this little battle map of an underground lab/hideout. It didn’t get used yet, but it’s generic enough to be used in almost any environment and campaign. It uses Dungeon Designer 3 artwork, as well as pieces from the Annual Vol 5 February issue (created by Joachim de Ravenbel).

Click the image above to download a pdf version of the map, scaled and tiled to print on two pieces of A4 oder US Letter size paper.
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ralf | December 5, 2012 | battle map, Deadlands
Here is another battlemap from my ongoing Deadlands campaign, this time of a mountain glade bisected by a small stream. It was created with Dungeon Designer 3, the Dungeon Symbols issue of last year’s Annual, Symbol Set 2, and the CSUAC.

Click the map to download an A1 pdf of the map, ready for printing.
For outdoor maps I usually prefer hex grids over square, as this map shows. As the Savage Worlds game system is flexible in this regard, switching bweteen the two is no problem at all.
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ralf | November 9, 2012 | battle map, CSUAC, dd3, Deadlands, ss2, wild west
For my own ongoing Deadlands Reloaded campaign, I’ve created this battle map of a run-down home out in the Weird West. It’s based on the DD3 Battle Map template from the Annual Vol 2 and uses textures and symbols from DD3, Symbol Set 2 and the CSUAC. The roof texture on the upper level is from City Designer 3.
Click on the images below to load the full-size A3 pdfs.

You can download the CC3+ version of the maps (FCW format) here, but be aware that you need all the afore-mentioned products to view them properly in CC3+.
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ralf | November 4, 2011 | Annual, battle map, city, dungeon
The November Annual issue was released on Tuesday, providing a detailed floorplan and street map of Moe’s Dive, a generic seedy bar to use in your adventures. It also contains a combined City Designer 3/Dungeon Designer 3 template for those close-up street battle maps.
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