Welcome to the September newsletter. Here in the northern hemisphere the summer is drawing to a close and we are preparing for the second big convention of the year (Spiel in Germany) and busy autumn season. Celtic Village




Sages' TowerWelcome to the July newsletter, dear cartographers! While we are now preparing our yearly pilgrimage Gen Con – the Best Four Days in Gaming, we also have a lot of news for you. Dioramas 3 has now been released, and with the WW2 Interactive Altas we have updated the last of our product line to work with CC3+. Finally, the July Annual with its Dioramas 3 example and tutorial has been released. Our authors are no less busy: Remy Monsen explains how to dynamically show and hide features in a CC3+ drawing, while Pär Lindström discusses his experience of creating Annual issues and Sue Daniel digs into (or should we say “climbs unto”) roof architecture with her tutorial on creating realistically shaded onion domes.




Dioramas 3 ExampleWelcome to the June newsletter, dear cartographers! We take a look at the progress of Dioramas 3, and Remy helps us Understanding Styles in CC3+. Mike Schley writes about Mapping Narratives and Pär Lindström finishes his series with the third article on overland mapping. Finally, check out new Maps of the Month from the user community.




  • Pär Lindström finishes his tutorial about drawing overland maps in CC3+.
  • Mike Schley talks about Mapping Narratives, giving as an exclusive look into his thought processes when designing his beautiful maps.

City of SanctuaryWelcome to the May newsletter, dear cartographers! We have news on the Source Maps series this month, another update for CC3+, two detailed articles on scale and scaling of maps by Remy Monsen and Glynn Seal, the second part of Pr Lindström’s series on overland maps and Maps of the Month from the user community.


  • The Source Maps series of products (Castles! Temples, Tombs & Catacombs! and Cities!) are now compatible with CC3+.
  • Update 17a is available on the registration page to bring your version of CC3+ up to 3.84.
  • The May issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2018 is available.



  • Pär Lindström continues his tutorial about drawing overland maps in CC3+.
  • Glynn Seal gives us a Sense of Scale in his article on the role of scale of maps.

Hatshepsut 3dWelcome to the April newsletter, dear cartographers! We have some news on the Dioramas add-on and the Source Maps series this month, a run-down by Remy on the new update for CC3+, Sue finishes her parchments and scrolls tutorial, while Pär Lindström starts his own on overland mapping.


  • Take a look at what’s on the cartographer’s desk: Dioramas Pro can now be installed with CC3+, Dioramas 3+ is in the works and Source Maps compatibility updates will be available soon.
  • Update 16 is available on the registration page to bring your version of CC3+ up to 3.82.
  • The April issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2018 is available.
  • The May issue of the Annual can be previewed here.



Tokens on Battle mapWelcome to the March newsletter, cartographers! We have a preview of a new product line, Remy’s monthly article, Sue Daniel continues her tutorial and Jon C Munson II tells you how he imitates the art of Mike Schley.




Be sure to check out our community forum and the CC3+ Facebook user group for discussions, help, suggestions and many, many maps.

Overland MapWelcome to the February newsletter! Apart from an update to Fractal Terrains and a new column by Remy Monsen, we have two cartography articles from our Annual contributors – a feature we will continue in future months.


  • A new version of Fractal Terrains 3 is available: 3.0.21 which improves the Finding Rivers function, ensuring they always appear. You can download an update from your registration page.
  • The February issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2018 is available. The symbol pack Dungeon Walls allows you to create detailed and varied walls for your underground complexes.
  • The January issue of the Annual 2018 offered a hex-version of Mike Schley’s overland style from CC3+.
  • The Community Mapping Project is running a mapping competition. Anyone submitting a map to the project in February participates, so there is still time.


  • In his new column Command Spotlight Remy Monsen takes a look at Line styles and properties in CC3+.
  • Articles

    SS4 Forlorn CottageAnother year is coming to a close, and we have a slew of Christmas present in store: A free extension Symbol Set 4, an update for CC3+, the Cartographer’s Annual 2018 is available for subscription and Remy finishes a one-year run of the “Command of the week”.




    New ZealandWith Ralf back from his long trip we’ve dived with renewed vigor into updating the remaining add-ons for CC3+. Helped by Jeff Salus, this month sees two new updates for the Annuals. Remy is working on an updated Tome, and Ralf on the Source Maps products and Dioramas.




    Perspective VillageWith 2016 upon us, we’ve been working hard on Perspectives 3 and it’s in late beta with no significant problems so far. The new Annual is in its second month and our users have once again amazed us with their cartographic talents.



    • We’ve made one issue from the Cartographer’s Annual 2015 available as a free download as a sampler.
    • The Vintyri Cartographic Collection is awesome resource for your city mapping. It adds hundreds of symbols to City Designer 3, all based on historic medieval towns and buildings architecture.


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