2023-06 VehiclesThe next set of free monthly symbols by Mike Schley is available now. You need a ride to that next city you want to map? Mike’s got you covered with a selection of isometric carriages and wagons. 32 new symbols showing loaded and unloaded wagons as well as mail carriages let you populate the roads in and between your settlements with horse-drawn vehicles.

Note that the example maps included with this free content make use of Symbol Set 6 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS6 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 6 – Isometric Cities is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including June 2023 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

2023-05 CliffsWe have a new set of free monthly symbols by Mike Schley for you. Going back to the Isometric Cities, he has created two sets of cliffs that can be used to depict sudden elevation changes in your 3d city views. Each set consists of three parts (start, end and middle section) in four directional views each, for a total 24 new symbols for you to use.

Note that the example maps included with this free content make use of Symbol Set 6 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS6 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 6 – Isometric Cities is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including May 2023 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

Saddle up, pardners! The horses are rested and ready for the next expeditions, thanks to a neat set of stable furnishing in this month’s free symbol catalog by Mike Schley. 20 new symbols showing horses, saddles and tack, hay piles and other stable staples (sorry!) make up this set.

Note that the example maps included with this free content make use of Symbol Set 4 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS4 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 4 – Dungeons of Schley is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including April 2023 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

Iso BridgesFor this month we have a few very useful symbols for the Symbol Set 6: Isometric Cities (but which could also be used on overland maps). These Isometric Bridges can be extended to variable length to span any width of river, gorge or similar terrain feature.

Note that the example maps included with this free content make use of Symbol Set 6 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS6 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 6 – Isometric Cities is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including February 2023 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

Siege Weapons
We’re starting into the new year of free monthly content with another wonderful set by Mike Schley: meticulously drawn siege artillery and tools for those battle maps that show the envinronment of an actual siege battle. Cannons, Trebuchets, ballistae, battering rams, siege towers and more is there for you to put on the map. Including varicolor variations, the symbol catalog contains 23 new symbols.

Note that the example maps included with the free content make use of Symbol Set 4 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS4 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 4 – Dungeons of Schley is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including December 2022 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

The year of free monthly symbols by Mike Schley ends in a place we hope you won’t have to spend any significant time in: a nasty medieval prison (aka dungeon) to break out of or to free some unjustly held prisoners from. You will find oubliettes, iron bars to build cages, chains and torture implements, plus a handy set of key to unlock all these nasty features. Including varicolor variations, the symbol catalog contains 27 new symbols.

Note that the example maps included with the free content make use of Symbol Set 4 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS4 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 4 – Dungeons of Schley is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including December 2022 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

We are excited to release the final version of the latest Symbol Set into the public, with hundreds of amazing symbols by Mike Schley. Symbols Set 6 – Isometric Cities let’s you soar across the rooftops of your cities, giving you a unique new perspective.

Symbol Set 6 – Isometric Cities comes with these features:

    • 128 different city buildings in full color, varicolor and inked versions, each individually drawn in four different views.
    • A total of more than 800 color and 450 black & white symbols.
    • More than 30 bitmap fills, 88 drawing, and 4 templates across two styles.
    • An Essentials guide introducing you to creating maps with the Isometric Cities style.

  • Symbol Set 6 can be used with or without City Designer 3 and Perspectives 3.
  • If you don’t own Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus, you can still use the PNG artwork included in this add-on, installed as a stand-alone resource folder.

Get more information on the Symbol Set 6 product page. If you want to take a look at SS6 in action, check out our live mapping video here.

Get Symbol Set 6 – Isometric Cities now!

Newsletter Subscribers have had access to SS6 for a while, and the CC3+ community has already created lots of beautiful maps. Here is a collection of some of them:

Murder At The East Gate by Grimur Fjeldsted
Murder At The East Gate

The Village of Orin by Gerri Broman
The Village of Orin by Gerri Broman

Shurav and Evorah by Ricko Hasche

Rattenzwinge by Micha Hofmann

The Village of Humbolt by Luke Zitlofsky

The City of Aeniar by Jeffrey Beiderbeck

And finally, an example map included in Symbol Set 6.
SS6 Altebruck

We are happy to announce that Symbol Set 6 – Isometric Cities is ready to be released into the wild as a public beta version this week. Mike Schley has created another set of amazing city symbols – this time in isometric perspective, giving you an unparalleled panoramic view across the landscape of your cities and towns.

CathedralThe Isometric Cities set features hundreds of high-resolution symbols and textures and all the tools, effects and templates you need to create breath-taking city views of your own. All buildings and objects, be they houses, workshops city walls, tombs and crypts, boats and wagons, or shrubs and trees – come in four cardinal views so you see and display them from all sides.

We will send out a separate product announcement later this week (via email and blog) from which you will be able purchase SS6 , and you will get immediate access to the beta version. It includes all artwork, tools and styles, and the Essentials guide. You can report any problems and issues to ralf@profantasy.com and we will fix them for the finished version, which should not be long in the making.


Hazelborough Ink

The new set of free monthly symbols let’s you venture into the legendary dragon’s lair, where untold riches are piled on top of each other. Will you dare to face the wrath of the ancient dragon when you disturb her slumber? And even more doubtful: will you be able to bear stand against the unbearable cuteness of her pup?

Note that the example maps included with the free content make use of Symbol Set 4 to showcase the symbols in proper surroundings. If you don’t have SS4 installed, you won’t see these correctly, but you can still use the symbols on other maps. Symbol Set 4 – Dungeons of Schley is available for purchase here.

To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content of year two up to and including November 2022 is included in the one download.

You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.

Example MapAs we’ve announced a while ago, we are working on a new Symbol Set by Mike Schley, titled “Isometric Cities” and we are getting close to release now. The artwork by Mike is all done, Sue Daniel has created all the varicolor versions of the symbols, and yours truly is working on the bitmap fills and integrating everything into one coherent package.

The style consists of a large number of isometric building symbols. Each comes in four different views, which can be easily rotated to show the buildings from the four cardinal directions.
Example 2

The symbols range from glorious gigantic structures like the cathedral above, to small details like graves, boats and market stalls. Naturally – because they are all created by Mike – they fit the Symbol Set 4 and 5 styles very well, and can potentially be used to illustrate cities that you’ve already create with Symbol Set 5 in an isometric view.

Example 4

Look for the release Symbol Set 6 at the end of the month or in early November. Of course we’ll announce it here and in our newsletter, so keep an eye on those to not miss this new wonderful Symbol Set by Mike Schley.

Example 3

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