ralf | September 10, 2021 | Alastair McBeath, community, Master Mapper
It is high-time we announce the Master Mapper award for 2020, though with all the wonderful community activity going on, it’s not been an easy choice this year. One mapper stood out for us though, not only because of the sheer amount of wonderful maps they created, but also due to their helpfulness to other mappers, as well as the inventiveness their map-making showed. It’s our forum member Alastair McBeath (Wyvern), who we name Master Mapper of 2020. Congratulations and thanks!
Alastair has been with us on the community forum since 2013, and the number of maps he has shared since then is innumerable. With the Master Mapper title we want to specifically thank him for:

- Creating many beautiful and innovative maps and sharing them with the community.
- Lively discussions, active help and always being welcoming in the Profantasy community.
- Coming up with new ways to use Campaign Cartographer’s tools and assets, and sharing these with his fellow map-makers.
- Contributing to the toolset of Campaign Cartographer via the Cartographer’s Annual.
So, thank you, Alastair, we are looking forward to all the future maps you will come up with!
ralf | April 1, 2018 | Alastair McBeath, Annual, starmap, world building
For the April issue we are looking up into the sky to view the stars and find the patterns they make.
Inspired by the work of Alastair McBeath (Wyvern) and with his permission, we have taken the star charts he created for the Community Atlas project and converted them into templates, drawing tools and symbol catalogs for the Star Charts mapping style. These allow you to map out the night sky spanning over your fictional world and connect the different stars to form constellations, adding to the myth and wonder of the world.
If you don’t want to place hundreds of stars by hand, the Star Charts style makes special use of the new Symbols in Area command to let you automatically and randomly fill the sky with stars of different magnitudes and colors. You can then use the included drawing tools to connect the most significant stars to form constellations that spring out from the jumble of lights in the sky. Check out the issue’s details on the Annual 2018 web page.
Also see a preview of the Annual’s May issue and its Myrklund overland style by Glynn Seal.
You can subscribe to the Annual 2018 here. Once you have subscribed, the April issue will immediately become available for download on your registration page.
Attention: This Annual issue needs the latest update for CC3+ to work. Please log into your registration page to download and install Update 15 for CC3+.
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