March: Dungeons in CC3+ and the first user tutorials

DD3 in CC3+This is the first ProFantasy newsletter since the launch of CC3+. We’ve been very busy improving CC3+ and preparing the add-ons for their free compatibility updates. It’s a lot of work, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel… wait, looks like we are already deep within the dungeon.

Existing users: to get CC3+ at a reduced upgrade price, login to your registered users page and click the Upgrades and Offers tab.




2 Responses to “March: Dungeons in CC3+ and the first user tutorials”

  1. I am entitled to the CC3+ update after purchasing the Character Artist program. I have been waiting for a hardcopy on disk rather than an on-line update, but I haven’t received anything as of yet. Is that coming some time soon, or is there no disk available at this time?

  2. Daryl, you should have received an email from me.

    For the record. CC3+ is not available as a hard copy yet, but everyone who bought the download version will get the opportunity to order the disc for the price of shipping only.

    If you bought CA3 with the free upgrade to CC3+ and haven’t received an email about it (including the voucher for the free upgrade), please contact us via the support form on your registration page.