Maps of the Month: November 2022

The Holidays are closing in an I though everybody would be busy with preparations for the festivities, but there seems to be now slowdown in the creation of new maps on the forum and FB community. We already presented some fresh Symbol Set 6 maps here, but there was plenty of other material as well. So take a gander at some of the beautiful stuff the community produces in November.

An unnamed 13th Age map by Julian Dracos

South-eastern Middle-earth by whit2468

Sabacu by Ricko Hasche

Royal Palace by John Simpson Wedge

A New City by kevbeck42

A local area map by Jan Kirchdörfer

Continent of Erass by BwenGun

Barony of Fellaxe by trevorholman

Here be Dragons by Daniel Pereda De Pablo

Donyaku Shrine and Iorek’s Tower by EucalyptusNow

2 Responses to “Maps of the Month: November 2022”

  1. Great maps everyone! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Umm… that first map is literally the Zelda: Breath of the Wild map.