The August issue of the Annual 2024 brings you a revamped and refreshed overland mapping style by Sarah Wroot, one of the earliest fantasy cartographers who contributed to Campaign Cartographer.

Sarah’s style “Sarah Wroot Revisited” takes beautiful hand-crafted line symbols and combines them with watercolor style backgrounds to create a wonderful artistic result. It combines easily with the hand-drawn style from Symbol Set 1 – Fantasy Overland (also created by Sarah Wroot) for a much wider variety of symbols.

The August issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2024 yet, you can do so here.

In the July Annual issue community veteran Quenten Walker revisits the Watabou Cities tool pack and style. The style referenced the Watabou online random village, town and city generator and leveraged it to create city maps in CC3+. Since its inception, the Watabou map generator has been changed and developed further. Quenten has taken it on himself to revise the style to take the changes into account and expand it to offer more tools and options.

The new style does not only contain a new bitmap fill selection, more drawing tools and more detailed instructions, it also leverages improved options of the Watabou Cities Generator to make creating cities, town, and villages randomly even easier in CC3+.

The July issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2024 yet, you can do so here.

Humble Bundle is currently re-running the first Campaign Cartographer 3+ bundle, the Maps Extravaganza, containing not only CC3+, but depending on the level chosen also:

  • City Designer 3
  • Dungeon Designer 3
  • Tome of Ultimate Mapping Plus
  • Perspectives 3
  • Sources Maps: Castles
  • Source Maps: Temples, Tombs and Catacombs
  • Symbol Set 2 – Fantasy Floorplans
  • Token Treasury – Monsters 1
  • Battle Maps and Floorplans Collection (contains a selection of Annual issues)

If you were waiting to jump into CC3+, this is a great opportunity to get it at an awesome price. Even if you already CC3+, this can be well worth it to get a great selection of add-ons. Part of the cost goes toward charity, Save the Children.

Let’s welcome a new contributor to the Cartographer’s Annual: C.C. Charon has been sharing wonderful maps on the Profantasy forum for a while, and we were especially intrigued by his “Sumerian City” maps. Now you can create cities in the same wonderful style, as the June Annual adds his creation as the new “Ancient Cities” drawing style to CC3+.

New symbols, bnew drawing tools and a fresh application of bitmap fills in conjunction with detailed sheet effects make up this new style. Two big example maps and a four-page mapping guide give you plenty of guidance to create your own maps in C.C. Charon’s style.

The June issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2024 yet, you can do so here.


  • The May issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2024 is available, presenting a tool pack for drawing extendable and variable stairs on dungeons and floorplans.
  • Mike Schley has a new set of free symbols expanding his overland style: Far Eastern Cities and Villages.




  • CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
  • Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
  • Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.

CA209 Example Dungeons of Schley
The May issue of the Annual 2024 is now available and presents a tool pack for drawing extendable and variable stairs on dungeons and floorplans. No longer limited by symbols of fixed length and direction, the included drawing tools greatly expand your options.

More than a hundred new drawing tools add functionality to popular dungeons styles (DD3 Dungeon, Jon Roberts Dungeon and Dungeons of Schley), but can also be added and used in any other dungeon style. The accompanying mapping guides teaches you how to use and edit the tools, as well a how to set up your own.

The May issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2024 yet, you can do so here.

We are offering a new bundle on Bundle of Holding, collecting CC3+ and various add-ons in two different tiers that you can choose. Ten percent of the proceeds go, a charity non-profit organization working to provide safe and water and sanitation world-wide.

The base level contains Campaign Cartographer 3+, Symbol Set 1 to 3, and the Tome of Ultimate Mapping. With the level up you add Dungeon Designer 3, City Designer 3, Fractal Terrains 3+, the Cartographer’s Annual 2022 and the two Token Treasuries to the set, all at a great price.

If you know someone who is interested in our products, let them know of this great offer. Or it can be a great way to expand into various add-ons if you’ve only gotten the base Campaign Cartographer 3+ so far.

We are very happy to have another beautiful style by Pär Lindström in this year’s Cartographer’s Annual, with this month’s Parchment City style. Based on Pär’s work on a 19th century map of Stockholm, the style is very easy and quick to use thanks to to whole city blocks and symbols. You can hen dive in and add special landmarks and individual pieces at your leisure. Of course the accompanying mapping guide tells you how to do all that.

The April issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2024 yet, you can do so here.

Freelance RPG Crowdfunding Marketing Manager

ProFantasy Software Ltd, a leading producer of map-making software for table-top RPGs, based in the UK, is seeking an experienced marketing manager to oversee the crowdfunding campaign for the latest version of our flagship software, Campaign Cartographer.

Start Date: mid-April – mid-May 2024 (exact dates to be confirmed)

Location: Remote, anywhere

Payment: $30 an hour, with a post-crowdfunding bonus depending on the campaign’s success.

Hours: 15 hours a week (flexible) with more hours during the campaign

Purpose of job

  • Gather data about our existing and potential customer base and market.
  • Devise and implement a marketing strategy to maximize net revenue from our crowdfunding campaign across multiple platforms, both in the lead up to the campaign and when it is underway.
  • Manage and implement advertising on social media within budgets agreed with management, analyze their effectiveness and adapt the campaign accordingly.
  • Work with management on creating suitable backer levels and messaging for the campaign.
  • Identify new marketing opportunities and analyze the efficacy of existing ones.
  • Create marketing graphics and social media images and videos using our existing art resources, commission new ones and maintain and cultivate our email list with targeted emails.
  • Enhance our existing ecommerce newsletter, promotion and content.
  • Work with journalists and bloggers to promote the campaign.
  • During the crowdfunding, proactively adapt the campaign to increase revenue and backer satisfaction.

Knowledge and Experience

  • Experience of previous large, successful crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Knowledge and experience in the TTRPG industry.
  • Experience of writing for digital platforms (optimizing SEO), in particular websites and e-communications.
  • Knowledge of creating content for digital purposes including graphic and audio-visual assets.
  • Knowledge of digital marketing and key trends in crowdfunding.
  • Significant marketing experience across all channels.
  • Good writing style and ability to adopt different tones.


  • Able to work independently and without supervision.
  • Able to manage time, effort and resources between short-term tactical opportunities versus medium/long-term strategic opportunities.
  • Deadline-driven and adept at balancing competing priorities and managing complexity.
  • Good eye for design and detail.
  • Experience of using data to provide insights, using analytics to assess success or suggested changes.


  • A good working knowledge of Google analytics.
  • Familiarity with Meta advertising.
  • Solid Excel skills.
  • Knowledge of Backerkit.
  • Familiarity with adding content to WordPress.
  • This is a temporary freelance position, with the possibility of extension.

How to apply: Please email an expression of interest with your CV / resume as a PDF to Simon Rogers at by 12th April, including details of the crowdfunding campaigns in which you’ve been involved.

 Direct any enquiries prior to your application to the same email address.

Deadline: Interviews to take place. Role will commence at the end of April, exact dates to be confirmed.


The March Annual issue is available, and subscribers can now start delving into the new Sinister Sewers style by Sue Daniel.

Prepare to get your feet and hands dirty in thick sewage and sludge, as you navigate drains and pipes, and contend with carnivorous plants (those rats must be tasty) and tentacled monstrosities that creep up from the depth below. But at least the streets above are clean and people can blissfully ignore the horrors beneath their feet!

The March issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2024 yet, you can do so here.

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