Our freely available small monthly symbol sets, created by Mike Schley have been very popular (no surprise there!), and we are now nearing the completion of the first full year. The big example map that I use to try out and show all the symbols has become a wonderful, sprawling mess depicting lots of weird places and happenings.
So far all the symbols have been for overland maps and we are considering a variation in theme once we reach June and the second year of the program. There are still lots of ideas for overland maps, but we would also like mappers to profit from the free symbols, who are not doing so many overland maps.
It will still be Mike doing them, and currently we are thinking of doing dungeon symbols for a while, complementing his Dungeons of Schley style. But of course we’d like to hear from you, what you would like to see in the free monhtly symbols.
Should we stick with overland symbols for a while? Is the idea of Dungeon symbosl fine? Or would you like to see something else entirely. You can also submit more specific ideas for what should be in the sets, like what you would need in an overland map or dungeon floorplan.
Back in ages past elves, dwarves and men meddled in magics too powerful for them and broke a hole into reality. Strange powers turned mountains into glass, made fire fall from the sky burning even dragons and titans. You can now map these corrupted lands with the 20 new symbols by Mike Schley in April’s catalog for magic places and weird phenomenon.
To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list. All the content up to and including April 2022 is included in the one download.
You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.
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Hello fellow map-makers, it’s time again to showcase some of the wonderful maps the community shared during the last month. There’s some really amazing work going on by all of you aut there, thank you very much!
Sue Daniel’s amazing Ferraris city style is truly one of our more advanced styles to work with, but look how splendid it looks when put together by Lizzy_Maracuja for her Accordo city map. Continue reading »
The April issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2022 brings you a modern, tactical map style for those secret missions or clandestine investigations in enemy lands. Inspired by real-world maps from the first half of the 20th century, the style allows you to quickly and easily create local area overviews.
A pure vector style, Tactical Maps comes with two complete sets of tools and symbols, one for imperial measurements and the other for metric. Macro drawing tools and hatch styles allow the easy drawing of complex patterns, the use of house and random street options make adding buildings quick and painless, and the 5-page mapping guide ties it all together.
The April issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2022 yet, you can do so here.
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Dear fellow map-makers we hope you are safe and sound wherevery you are in the world, no matter which borders you live in. Like so many others, we at Profantasy Software look at what is happening in Ukraine with horror and great concern and as a company we’ve decided to support humanitarian relief efforts via British-Ukrainian Aid. But we also need to let you know what happened concerning our software last month – which seems to have a wintry theme – so here we go.
The free monthly symbols for this month add snow-covererd hills and trees to your options in the Mike Schley overland style.
Thank you to all you cartographers out there who are sharing your work with the world, irrespective of borders and nationalities. Your continued support for our hobby and your fellow map-makers is much appreciated. Here are just a few samples of your glorious work in February!
WeathermanSweden used publicly available altitude data to import it into Fractal Terrains, export that to CC3+ and create this greant rendition of how northern Europe would have looked 15,000 years ago! Continue reading »
Up in the far north where the northwind rules mountains and forests are shrouded in almost perpetual winter. Send your adventurers north into these forbidding lands with the March symbols by Mike Schley. You will find 20 new symbols and a new bitmap texture by Mike Schley in March’s catalog for snow-covered lands and forests.
To download the free content go to your registration page and on the Downloads tab, click the download button for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus. Mike’s new symbols are the last link in the list (see image on the right). All the content up to and including March 2022 is included in the one download.
You can always check the available monthly content on our dedicated page.
Fitting for the time of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere, the March issue of the Cartographer’s Annual brings you a wintry city style with snow-covered roofs and trees, frozen ground, deep snow drifts and frosty fields.
Sue Daniel’s Winter Village style contains more than hundred new symbols, new roof, house and street styles, as well as a host of drawing tools for those wintry settlements. The 4-page mapping guide talks you through creating such a village in a few easy steps.
The March issue is now available for all subscribers from their registration page. If you haven’t subscribed to the Annual 2022 yet, you can do so here.
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