The View from the Code Pit

Down in the code pit, the nuts and bolts of the CC3 engine are being disassembled and reassembled for future proofing – glue routines are being replaced and code recompiled with the latest compiler. We are as prepared for Windows 8 as we can be.

Character Artist 3

Our development work affects the order in which we release products, so we’ve moved Character Artist 3 to the top of the production line. The changes to Character Artist are primarily art – the interface is already straightforward and doesn’t need much work.

The art work is nearly finished – the squid faced gentleman is an example, but we’d like your input in deciding where to concentrate our final art efforts.  Please vote here.

Random City Generator

L. Lee Saunders has been working with our beta testers to get the RCG ready for public consumption, and now here it is – ready for your feedback.!

Perspectives 3

Perspectives has been rescheduled because we want to include a surprise additional style in it. Existing Annual fans might be able to guess who it’s by!

Source Maps 3

For the Source Maps series, we want to update the maps in new styles and create new maps, which will require additional cartographers. These will then be available as modestly priced updates to the existing Source Maps series.

Dioramas 3

The main work here, once more, is art; newer, better art. CC3’s art capabilities combined with the work of professional artists and cartographers have transformed the quality maps which users create, and we intend to repeat this with Dioramas, too. The main additional feature will be angled fill styles, enabling us to create nets with, say, a raster brick pattern in all directions.


2 Responses to “The View from the Code Pit”

  1. I’d really prefer to see Dioramas 3 get more priority than Source Maps 3.
    There are already tons of maps out there, both free (Map and Catalog Library) and paid (Annuals).
    Any chance this can go to a poll for users to decide?

  2. @Gonzo, Dioramas depends on other development work being completed, whereas source maps doesn’t. I’d prefer to see Dioramas 3 out first, but even if I commission a source maps update, it won’t be that which slows down Dioramas.