Remy Monsen has published two new video tutorials on creating your own symbols in CC3+ on his own YouTube channel.

Symbols – Part 1: Finding and Preparing Images

Symbols – Part 2: Creating a Symbol Catalog

We’ve continued our weekly live mapping sessions to great fun and success. Here is a list of the videos now available on YouTube:

An introduction to CC3+ and the Mike Schley Overland style

An introduction to creating battle-maps with CC3+ and Dungeon Designer 3

An introduction to creating city locations along with linked buiding floorplans.

Converting an existing temple floorplan into an isometric view of the inside and outside of the building.

Creating a dungeon map connected to a natural cave system.

Recently we have begun to experiment with live video streaming map-making sessions in the Campaign Cartographer 3+ Community on Facebook. In two sessions, Ralf demonstrated creating a dungeon and a small town with the Jon Roberts Dungeon and City styles respectively. You can still watch the archived videos here.

Creating a dungeon with the Jon Roberts Dungeon style

Mapping a town with the Jon Roberts City style

We will be scheduling future videos via ProFantasy’s Facebook page, so you don’t have to be a member of the community group. Please feel free to suggest videos you’d like to see in the comments.

Joe Sweeney has started a new series of video tutorials – this time on mapping a city using City Designer 3. Check it out and follow his progress on YouTube:

Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus has been getting a lot of love on YouTube lately, by an old and a new tutorial channel.

Joe Sweeney has started a whole new series of videos, redoing his classic mapping tutorials with CC3+ as the “Master Mapping Class“.

And another CC3+ user, Tony Crawford, has started his own set of introductory videos on CC3+ and its add-ons on the “Crawford Cartography” channel.

Good news for all fans of Joe Sweeney’s video tutorials: Joe is both updating the base tutorials for use with CC3+ and creating new ones in his “Mapping Master Class”.

Check out his Introduction to Mapping with Campaign Cartographer below, visit his YouTube channel, or directly subscribe to his Mapping Master Class:

We’ve started a new series of short video tutorials for Campaign Cartographer 3 and its add-ons. These are meant to be small tidbits of useful information we (or anyone else for that matter) can point to when asked about the tool or method in question. Check out the first two:

Drawing a semi-circular room in Dungeon Designer 3:

DD3 Semi-circular Room from ProFantasy Software on Vimeo.

Editing a landmass drawn with the default CC3 tool:

CC3 Editing Landmasses from ProFantasy Software on Vimeo.

As this is a new series for us, we’d like your feedback and your suggestions on what topics to cover. Post them here in the comments or over on the community forum.

You can subscribe to us on Vimeo or use our YouTube channel to follow these videos.

We’ve recently stumbled across this wonderful little video tutorial by Jason Hibdon (Eugee on the community forum). Jason creates a quick battle map for a virtual tabletop game, using the free “Jon Roberts Dungeon” style from the Cartographer’s Annual.

You can download the free Annual issue here.

A while ago we posted about Joe Sweeney starting his new video series on creating old-school dungeon maps.

Here’s an update with three more videos in the series.

Overall these first 5 parts cover creating your own symbols and catalog for old-school mapping, which of course is helpful for any project where you need your own custom symbols.

Joe Sweeney has started a new series of mapping tutorials, this time on old school dungeon maps. As always, there’s tons of things about CC3 (and Dungeon Designer) you can learn from his videos!

So far two parts of the series have been released:

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