ralf | May 28, 2019 | convention, UK games expo
For the first time, ProFantasy will be exhibiting at UK Games Expo in Birmingham this coming weekend.
The show has been constantly growing in recent years and we are excited to see how the gaming community comes together for this event. You will find us in hall 1 at booth 1-697 as show in the hall map below. If you are visiting UK Games Expo, please stop by to say hello, check out our software and just chat a little about mapping!

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ralf | February 21, 2019 | Cities Of Schley, convention, Token Treasury, UK games expo
You might be wondering what yours truly has been up to now that the first Token Treasury is out. Here’s a little update about what’s on my desk.
There is of course the Cities of (Mike) Schley you’ve all been wondering about. Progress has been a little slower than expected for a while, but we are now moving along nicely again, with Mike regularly submitting new house symbols – check out the gorgeous little orcish hut here. Of course the map (shading) files for all these houses need to be created, but we do have an expert on this now, don’t we?
Secondly, after the Token Treasury is before the Token Treasury. We are very happy with the artwork that Rich Longmore has produced and our customers seem to agree. So we’ve commissioned him for a second set and the first pieces are rolling in. Check out the gorgeous Papa Croc (my nickname) on the left.
There are a few slots left on our monster list for issue two (the list of monsters for the first issue is here), so if you have any wishes, post the below!
Finally ProFantasy will be exhibiting at a new convention (new for us that is) this year. We’ll be at UK Games Expo in Birmingham, and that wants to be organized including travel, rooms, booth space and everything that goes along with that. I’m certainly looking forward to being in Birmingham for the first time!