ralf | July 27, 2015 | GenCon
Suitcases are being packed, airline tickets checked, frantic emails are being sent back and forth … what does this burst of activity mean? Gen Con is almost upon us, of course! The “Best 4 Days in Gaming” start on Thursday, August 30th and of course ProFantasy will be there.
As usual we are sharing a booth (#609) with Pelgrane Press. You’ll find us snug in between the big and sprawling booths of Paizo and Fantasy Flight Games. Check this map for the location.

Stop by our booth for the latest products, a chat with Ralf or Simon, a quick demo and some great offers. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Please be patient with our support during these busy times, only a skeleton crew (hi Mark!) remains for handling the usual day to day issues.
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ralf | August 11, 2014 | convention, GenCon
The bags are packed and we are ready to head out across the pond to Indianapolis. What for? GenCon of course, the best four days in gaming!
As always ProFantasy will be sharing the booth with Pelgrane Press. Like last year we are right at the front of the hall: Booth 101 across from Paizo and Pathfinder. Come find us there, to get the latest products and news. See you in Indy!
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ralf | August 12, 2013 | convention, GenCon
The bags are packed, stock and supplied enroute, hectic activity is slowly giving way to contemplative travel mood… meaning GenCon is around the corner.
If you are one of the lucky visitors, come find us at booth (#101) directly across the big Paizo booth. We are sharing with our sister company Pelgrane Press. Stop by pick up the latest Annuals, any other products you might be missing, a demo of Character Artist 3 or just a quick chat about mapping.

Please bear with us if we respond a little more slowly in the coming days than usual. GenCon takes a lot of attention and energy.
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ralf | August 6, 2012 | GenCon
GenCon Indy is drawing near and it’s almost time to pack the suitcase for the trip to Indianapolis.
You’ll find ProFantasy Software at booth #1427 in the exhibitors hall. Checkout the exhibitors’ hall map here. We will have the new Symbol Set 3 – Modern for sale, as well as the new Tome of Ultimate Mapping (as a pdf) and last year’s Annual collection (Volume 5). You can also get a glimpse at the artwork for the upcoming Perspectives 3 and Character Artist 3.
We are looking forward to the show and hope to see as many users as possible!
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ralf | August 15, 2011 | GenCon
Another GenCon has come and gone – it seems in only the blink of an eye. While the show was good for ProFantasy, it wasn’t quite the spectacular success we’ve had in some previous years – sales declined about 10% from a very high base, and we are still one of the few companies which makes a modest profit from GenCon. While the fact that we didn’t have a finished new product this year (FT3 is only in beta) is part of the reason, selling software which can also quite easily be downloaded from the website gets just a bit harder each year, as broadband gets more and more common and people increasingly prefer the electronic-only version of software. Our website sales reflect this. We also get a post-Con blip as people who have seen the demo make their decision.
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ralf | July 21, 2011 | GenCon, Pelgrane, Posters
Both Profantasy and sister company Pelgrane Press are gearing up for GenCon. Here are some new posters that just arrived.

Have to climb a chair to take pics of these.

Looking forward to hold Ashen Stars in my hands ... I love the look of that book.
I also want to find out how my
Ashen Stars galaxy map (created with
Cosmographer 3) came out in the book…
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