The Tome of Ultimate Mapping and Symbol Set 3 are on sale at a lower price until 21st September. Get them at this price while you can!
- The monstrous 600-page Tome is still priced at $13.95 / £8.95, increasing to $19.95 / £10.95 on Friday.
- Symbol Set 3 with over 1000 extra symbols is currently $21.95 / £12.95 going up to $24.95 / £14.95
Tome of Ultimate Mapping
The Tome of Ultimate Mapping has been updated by Remy Monsen (the author of the CC3 Full Manual) to cover Campaign Cartographer 3 and all version 3 products up to Fractal Terrains 3 (Dungeon Designer 3, City Designer 3, Symbols Sets 1 and 2, Cosmographer 3 and Fractal Terrains 3). The chapters on the other add-ons will be updated after their new versions are released. Symbol Set 3 is obviously the next on the list. You can see half a dozen example pages of the Tome here.
Symbol Set 3
Symbol Set 3 – Modern comes with two completely new bitmap drawing styles for floorplans, with about 500 symbols each. One was created by Jon Roberts, the other by Michael Tumey. There is also a snazzy new blueprint-style for realistic looking player handouts, a Modern political overland style, and the old vector style has been updated to work with CC3’s sheet effects and drawing tools.
[…] Recent Releases – Symbol Set 3 and the Tome of Ultimate Mapping-last chance to get them at current prices […]