New Year’s Resolution: (Re-)Start your Mapping with Campaign Cartographer 3+

So your New Year’s Resolution for 2020 was to finally start (or re-start) using Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus, but you don’t know where to begin? Let us help you out with a selection of great tutorials and starting points.

Video Tutorials

If you are a visual learner and want to follow video tutorials, here are some we would recommend to start out with.

Josh Plunkett does a great job at introducing you to the basics of CC3+ as a newcomer in his first video.

Follow that up with his tutorial on overland mapping and you’ve got the basics down for any overland map straight out of CC3+:

For a longer look at creating a whole overland map, check our own video with Ralf describing the process of creating a map.

CC3Plus_ManualPDF Guides

If you prefer reading your tutorials and follow a pdf guide, there are some great choices too.

Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus comes with a pdf Manual, that is probably still one of the best ways to learn the software. Check it out here, and follow the instructions starting on page 24 to draw your first map.

A slightly less detailed, but still very useful step by step guide to creating a map, comes with the mapping guide for the Herwin Wielink style, that comes with CC3+, available in the Documentation folder or from this link.

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