Welcome to the March newsletter, dear cartographers! We hope you stay healthy (and at home if possible) in these times of pandemic. You could use the time to create some beautiful maps, for example in preparation for your games when all the current restrictions are lifted again, or for online games if you already do these or want to try them out. See our article by Remy Monsen on the topic below.
- The March Annual issue is available for download. Check out the Alexandria-class starship and it’s accompanying tutorial on bitmap fills.
- We have released Update 25 for CC3+, adding more city and dungeon capabilities to the base CC3+.
- Until further notice, we have halved the price of Campaign Cartographer 3+ to make it more accessible during the current outbreak.
- Remy Monsen explains how to prepare and export battle maps from Dungeon Designer 3 for virtual tabletops and then import them into MapTool, Roll20, Fantasy Grounds or d20Pro.
- Check out a sampling of user maps shared by the Profantasy community in February.
- Ari Gilder posted part 2 of hie article on city building and mapping with City Deisgner 3.
- The German online magazine “Teilzeithelden” (Part-time Heroes) has published a review of Campaign Cartographer 3+ (in German).
Very useful thank you.
Will require and update soon for Fantasy Grounds Unity which is just being released.