Maps of the Month: January 2024

And here we go with our first set of Maps of the Month for 2024 (January). Let’s see what beauties the community shared!

Lorelei (Christina Trani) created a whole set of maps for Tegel Manor and environs, another amazing recreation of that classic adventure location.

C.C.Charon‘s “Dungeon of Balear is actually just a little test map for his own dungeon style, but that style is wonderful!

Royal Scribe built a Castle in the Clouds by experimenting with a number of different symbols and fill styles.

Talaraska create a wonderfully frigid little town map with Sue Daniels winter style.

Ricko Hasche is certainly not done with building landscape maps with a huge variety of different styles and symbols.

Negishi Bay by Calibre is a grat applciation of the Jon Roberts overland style.

DM Geezer Jim continues to provide very useful generic maps like this ruined village or town.

I just love ships and deckplans of sailing ships, and James Stewart‘s “Tireless Travail” is an excellent example of how these can be done in CC3+.

Villa Aida is TakoTsubo’s first contribution on the forum, but he has used the 1930s floorplans and city styles like a pro.

Last but not least another great set of maps by Wyvern, making excellent use of some of the vector styles in CC3+.

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