Maps of the Month: February 2021

February saw many great maps posted in our community, many of them for the 500th Atlas Map competition that was running during the month. You can check those out (and vote for your favorites) here, so I won’t repeat them in this collection and showcase a few others instead.

Over on the forum AleD created a series of Viking-era maps, and this night scene of a breached palisade is just one of them. Check out the others by clicking on the image!
Wall Breach

AdriG311 posted two very detailed continent maps for his world of Albërian, create in Mike Schley’s overland style. Here is one of them:

Dak‘s island of Avolea is also done in Mike Schley’s style , and I especially love the care and detail spent on the rivers.

Over on Facebook, Campaign Cartographer veteran Andy Staples posted this real-world map of Britain showing medieval settlement types. A great way to show that you can do scientific maps in CC3+ as well.
British Isles

Ed Elce created this nice little battle map of a forested ruin, using Pär Lindström’s City Ruins Annual issue.
Forest Ruin

Ronald Calbick recreated this classical dungeon adventure map with the Hall of Mystery. Great work!
Hall Of Mystery

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