February 2024: Glaciers, Haunted Houses and Shortcuts

2024-02 GlaciersNews

  • The February issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2023 is available, providing a new parchment-look overland style.



  • Remy teaches us how to create a variety of shortcut keys within Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus.
  • Christina showcases the October issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2016 with the “Horror House” style by Pär Lindström in her latest iteration of the All the Annuals series.


  • CC3+’s current version is 3.98. Check in Help > About and if your version is older, run Update 28 for CC3+ available from your registration page.
  • Fractal Terrains 3+ has been released and is available from among your FT3 downloads on your registration page.
  • Join our community of map-makers on the Profantasy forum and/or the Facebook group.

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