You can create a wide range of dungeons and floorplans with CC3 and its add-ons and symbol sets. This article shows you a selection, and the software you need to create them. Dungeon Designer 3, Symbol Set 2 and Symbol Set 4 have an extended set of dungeon symbols, the Annuals and CC3 have a more restricted selection.
While it’s featured in Cartographer’s Annual Vol 1, this inn is created with CC3 plus Dungeon Designer 3 (DD3).

Tendrill’s Oak Inn – created with CC3 and DD3
This next four images were created with Symbol Set 2: Fantasy Floorplans plus CC3.
A close up of the cathedral.

Chesery’s lair
Another black and white style created with CC3 plus Cartographer’s Annual Vol 4

The Blood Cult’s Hideout
This map was created by master cartographer Jon Roberts using Cc3 with Cartographer’s Annual Vol 5.
This vertical dungeon was created with Cc3 and Cartographer’s Annual Vol 5.
If you want 3D view, this amazing isometric view created by Herwin Wielink is for you.

Isometric Dungeon
Here are a selection of images from our latest and greatest symbol set – Symbol Set 4: The Dungeons of Schley.

Dungeons of Schley

Dungeons of Schley – Detail
And finally, for that old-school look we have the The Cartographer’s Annual Vol 1 style feature in “how to create a drawing style”

Old School Dungeon