All Cartographer’s Annuals available for CC3+ and Update 12

World of DyraAnnuals for CC3+

They have been out for a while now, but let us restate that all Cartographer’s Annuals are now available for CC3+. We’ve updated them to use all the new shiny tools and effects you’ve become accustomed too, all the way back ti the very first Mercator Historical style.

Thanks to the hard work of Jeff Salus, if you have previously purchased one of them, you can now freely the CC3+ setups from your registration page. Be sure you use the “Setup for CC3+” to install them properly with the current version of Campaign Cartographer.

If you don’t own them yet, purchasing them from the web store will give you both the CC3 and CC3+ versions. Highlights of the first four Annuals include the John Speed City style, the overland style recreating the look of Pete Fenlon’s Middle-earth maps, Pär Lindström’s very first style “Fantasy Worlds“, and Joachim de Ravenbel’s amazing “Castle Walls” toolset.

Bets of all, you can download a set of free Annual samples for CC3+ and try them out. 9 issues, one from each year until 2015 are available in the Annual Sampler.

Next up in our series of updates for CC3+ will be Dioramas. Look for it next month!

Pete Fenlon StyleCC3+ Update 12

To support the current and upcoming updates for CC3+ we have also released a new update for CC3+: Update 12 (version 3.77). Here is the change log from the Readme file for Update 12:

CC3+ Version 3.77
– improved bitmap export, allowing much higher image sizes
– updated Escarpment command (ESC)
– updates for Dioramas tools
– improved color display in Browse info files
– improved display with higher Windows dpi settings
– fixed Fractalize (FRX) command
– fixed # vs @ file path in various templates and sample maps.
– various internal fixes and changes

One Response to “All Cartographer’s Annuals available for CC3+ and Update 12”

  1. Wahoo! So glad that the fractalise command is fixed! Thanks awfully, lads!