Command of the Week: A Column by Remy Monsen

Sort Symbols In MapFor a while now Remy has been quietly running a very interesting column over on the Profantasy forum: his “Command of the Week” series. Once a week he takes a look at a CC3+ command, explaining its use and highlighting its special utility. In his own words:

CC3+ contains a huge amount of various commands and features. In this series, I plan to highlight some of these. There won’t be any special progression to this series, and the command will be selected from the entire range, from the simple basic commands, to more advanced features intended for the more advanced users. Feel free to use this topic to discuss the command presented. If you have a command you wish to have showcased, feel free to request it, and it may get presented.
This series is called the command of the week, but it could also explain a feature or effect. The explanations will tend to explain the technical parts of the command, and is intended to highlight the basics (and complexities) of the command, but won’t be a detailed tutorial on how to use it. It is up to you to use it creatively in your maps.

Often I find myself nodding as Remy explains a command I use all the time, at other times I am surprised as he digs up a command I had almost forgotten about. Sometimes they are useful for beginners, at other times you’d need to be a little more advanced user to get the most use out of it. But Remy’s comments are always very interesting and useful, and by now he has accumulated 30 commands of the week.

So if you are interested in finding out more about CC3+’s many useful command and tools, head over to the latest command of the week “Sort Symbols in Map“, which also contains an index of all commands covered so far.

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